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  • 1.
    Andersin, Mira
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Den manliga hjälten och de döda kvinnorna: En analys av I am legend ur ett genusmedvetet och feministiskt perspektiv2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med uppsatsen Den manliga hjälten och de döda kvinnorna är att från ett genusmedvetet och feministiskt perspektiv undersöka genusroller och patriarkala tankestrukturer i Richard Mathesons roman I am legend och de tre filmatiseringar som gjorts av denna. Jag ska se hur män och kvinnor skildras, omverken vidmakthåller de stereotypa könsroller som det västerländska samhället traditionellt bygger på, eller om de bryter av mot dessa normer. I uppsatsen använder jag mig av Pierre Bourdieus teori om den manliga dominansen, och även av Gilbert och Gubars resonemang om kvinnan i litteratur som ängel och monster. Om mannens roll är att vara hjälte, vilken roll får då kvinnan?

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  • 2.
    Andersson, Olivia
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Från sidorna till skärmen: Remediering i det digitala medielandskapet: En kvantitativ och kvalitativ innehållsanalys av #Booktok- gemenskapen2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This studie investigates the phenomenon of remedation within the #Booktok community, focusing on the content shared and the prevalent gender dynmics. Through a combination of qualitive and quantitive content analysis, the study aims to uncover the themes and dynamics present in these digital spaces. By examining the visual, textual, and auditory elements of 120 film clips, this study illuminates the reasons behind #Booktok´s emergence as a preffered platform for literary engagement. Furthermore, the research also investigates the portrayal of “The female gaze”, which is a theory based on "The male gaze" by Laura Mulvey. To explore how gender perspectives shape the discourse within this digital space.


    The result uncovers that #Booktok serves as a chosen digital arena for diverse reasons, evolving into a alternative form of public discourse. These reasons include shorter, accessible videos that are easier to engage with, as well as a community fostering interacitivity. Morover, the research highlights a notable emphasis on erotic literature within the community. It is predominatly men who criticize these erotic books, often labeling them as pornography. In contrast, women defend these works, arguing that such criticism stems from misogyny. Notably, the analysis underscores the predominant self-presentation of women on the platform, influencing content creation throught the lens of “The female gaze”. This study enhances our comprehension of how remedation, gender dynamics, and content intertwine within the #Booktok community, offering insights into the shifting landcape of digital literay interaction. 

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  • 3.
    Annell, Cecilia
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies.
    Recension av Åkerström, Ulla & Lindholm Narváez, Elena (red.) (2020). Collective motherliness in Europe (1890-1939): the reception and reformulation of Ellen Key's ideas on motherhood and female sexuality.2021In: Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, ISSN 1104-0556, E-ISSN 2001-094X, Vol. 51, no 1-2Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 4.
    Annell, Cecilia
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies.
    Subjekt Södergran. Om jagen i Edith Södergrans poesi , Red. Elisabeth Hästbacka, Anders E. Johansson och Anders S. Johansson2017In: Samlaren: Tidskrift för forskning om svensk och annan nordisk litteratur, ISSN 0348-6133, E-ISSN 2002-3871, Vol. 138, p. 272-276Article, book review (Other academic)
  • 5.
    Annell, Cecilia
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies.
    "The poetry inside of me is warm like a gun": Om rolldiktaren Lana Del Rey och hennes poetiska värld2020In: Kulturmöten: En festskrift till Christine Farhan / [ed] Amelie Björck, Eva Jonsson, Claudia Lindén, Mattias Pirholt, Stockholm: Södertörns högskola, 2020, p. 29-51Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 6.
    Antonov, Elizabeta
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Educational sciences, Educational science, Curriculum studies.
    Khanjani, Fataneh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Educational sciences, Educational science, Curriculum studies.
    Språkutveckling i förskola: En studie om förskollärares arbete med flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling2024Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Dagens förskola präglas av flerspråkighet och kulturell mångfald. Många barn talar annat språk än svenska i hemmet. Förskolan och förskollärares arbete utgör en viktig del av barns lärande och utveckling. Förskollärare har en central roll när det kommer till att främja flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling. Därför är syftet med studien att få fördjupad kunskap om förskollärares erfarenheter av arbetet med att främja språkutveckling hos flerspråkiga barn. För att besvara studiens syfte intervjuades 8 förskollärare från 5 olika förskolor. Dessa förskolor valdes ut på grund av att de är mångkulturella förskolor samt har flertalet flerspråkiga barn. Teorier som har använts i studien är sociokulturellt perspektiv, scaffolding, kulturella redskap och mediering. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med åtta strukturerade intervjuer som har genomförts och transkriberats. Utifrån tidigare forskning och studiens dataanalys visar resultaten att förskollärare har många arbetsmetoder för att främja språkutveckling hos flerspråkiga barn. Resultatet av studien påvisade att förskollärarna använder metoder som högläsning, dela in barnen i mindre grupper, kartläggning, TAKK-tecken och bilder som stöd. Förskollärare anser att vikten av samverkan med hemmet och utformningen av miljön är viktig för att utveckla språket hos flerspråkiga barn. I resultaten framkom också att förskollärare verkar ha ett medvetet arbetssätt och använder olika metoder som de tycker är användbara för flerspråkiga barns språkutveckling.

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  • 7.
    Areskoug, Linn
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Literature science. Uppsala universitet, Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen.
    Den svenske mannens gränsland: Manlighet, nation och modernitet i Sven Lidmans Silfverstååhlsvit2011Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis deals with the nationalistic imaginary in the novels of Sven Lidman, published 1910–1913. The novels hold forth a conservative point-of-view that embraces the bourgeois ideal of masculinity and the idea of the healthy, Swedish rural way of life as opposed to the destructive metropolis. This dualism is part of a dichotomy that structures the novels. It also entails continuity/fragmentation, the Swedish/the foreign, men/women, activity/ passivity as well as masculinity/femininity and unmanliness.

    In the Silfverstååhl-cycle the protagonists are young men of a noble, Swedish family. They progress from lost and introspective youths to grown men who are deeply concerned with and engaged in society. They are different representatives of the Swedish man – the farmer, the business man, the explorer and the clergy man. What unites them is how their “coming of age” develops, how through trial and struggle they become stronger and prove worthy of the manly role they finally take on. This is a major principle of the bourgeois masculinity that is also closely connected to the national identity of the men.

    There is also an ambiguity concerning modernity. Throughout the novels a critique of modern society is formulated, that acknowledges the modern age but simultaneously takes on a prudent attitude towards modern society. There is no going back for the Swedish nation; the modern times have to be confronted. The present is very important since it is the time for scrutiny. The handling of the modern era takes place in the developing processes of the young men, who have to be careful not to get trapped in the modern whirlpool that threatens to shatter the human being. The past, the familiar and the rural anchorage that the family relation entitles, is a defense against the destructive forces of modernity. But the past is not completely beneficial. Even though the past is of major importance to the national identity of the protagonists, they have to be very careful not to delve too much into the past because of the risk of paralysis and effeminization. In the nationalistic narrative the present encapsulates the past and the future. The Swedish man has to navigate in the borderland of modernity.

  • 8.
    Arvidsson, Jessica
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    I frestarens grepp: En arketypanalytisk undersökning av temat manipulation med utgångspunkt i Karin Boyes Kallocain2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I den här uppstatsen undersöker jag temat manipulation. Jag tittar på vad det har för inverkan på berättelsers utformning samt om det finns andra teman som ofta kombineras med manipulationstemat. Min utgångspunkt är Karin Boyes Kallocain och därifrån kommer jag dra paralleller till William Shakespeares Othello och Aldous Huxleys Brave New World. Genom att vända mig till just de här två berättelserna får jag en inblick i såväl genretillhörighet som temats utveckling över tid. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt är C.G. Jungs teori om det kollektiva omedvetna med mänskliga grundläggande urbilder som återkommer i arketyper. Resultatet är ett grundläggande händelseförlopp och en insikt om den djupare mänskliga samhörighet som berättelsernas hjältar först inte vågar tro existerar.

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  • 9.
    Axman, Elin
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Asfaltsvägen kom till Pajala.: Framtidens intåg i Populärmusik från Vittula.2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
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    Asfaltsvägen kom till Pajala
  • 10.
    Berg, Helena
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Johansson, Jennii
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Läs- och hörförståelsen i relation till den inre bilden.: Den inre bildens betydelse för läs- och hörförståelse hos elever i årskurs 4 och 5.2023Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien är både kvalitativ genom klassrumsanteckningar och semistrukturerade intervjuersamt kvantitativt genom läs- och hörförståelsetester. Syftet med examensarbetet är attbelysa elevers upplevelse av högläsning och egen tyst läsning i årskurs 4 och 5 inomsvenskämnet i grundskolan. Sammanlagt har 37 elever medverkat i läs- ochhörförståelsetestet varav åtta elever intervjuades. Analysen tar stöd av den kognitivateorin “Dual Coding Theory”, läs- och hörförståelsetest och elevintervjuer. Eftersomempirin har ursprung i olika forskningsmetoder som kopplats samman blevforskningsansatsen triangulering. Slutresultatet är följande; Högläsningen har en positivinverkan på läsförståelsen och förmågan att förstå nya ord och begrepp. Hörförståelse,läsförståelse och de inre bilder som elever skapar utgör tillsammans ett multimodaltverktyg och förstärker deras kunskap kring texten. Elevnära texter skapar tillsammansmed lässtrategier en glädje, motivation och förståelse kring en text. 

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  • 11.
    Bergqvist, Anna Hanna
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Värdegrundsarbete kring etnicitet: som en del av litteraturundervisning på gymnasienivån2015Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this essay is to investigate preconditions for working with basic morals and valueswith the help of fiction literature in Swedish school. The subject of Swedish language and literature studies is in focus. The project reflects on the choice of literature made by three largest community college libraries in Gavleborg. The analysis is narrowed to investigate the variety of the authors with different ethnic backgrounds, when it concerns fiction literature available in the choisen college libraries. Several teachers and their classes have also taken part in an additional survey in order to contribute to a deeper discussion and a wider personal perspective on the theoretical foundings. The results are discussed with the help of theories on development of cultural identity at school, history of educational development in Sweden and the existing directives from Swedish Educational Department Skolverket.

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  • 12.
    Beronius, Maria
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Högläsning: Grundskolans F–3 lärare beskriver syfte, planering och arbetssätt2021Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien undersöker F-3 lärares beskrivningar av högläsningsarbetet genom ett kvalitativt perspektiv. Det insamlade materialet kommer i huvudsak från öppna enkätfrågor, vilka sedan analyseras efter lärarnas, skriftliga beskrivningar. Syftet är att få inblick i lärarnas beskrivningar kring syfte, planering och arbetssätt i arbetet med högläsning. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt har det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande med ett speciellt fokus på literacyutvecklande teorier. I studien finns tidigare forskning onämnd utifrån studier om lärares högläsning. Empirin hämtas från de svar som lärarna skriftligen besvarat genom strukturerade, öppna enkätfrågor. I resultatdiskussionen tolkas och ställs resultatet i förhållande till litteratur och tidigare forskning. Resultatet visar att högläsning förekommer flera gånger i veckan men att planering av högläsningen ofta hamnar i skuggan av annan undervisningsplanering. Samtal och diskussioner kopplat tll högläsning och elevernas egna arfarenheter kan utvecklas och planeras på en mer didaktisk utvecklande nivå. I slutet av studien ges förslag på vidare forskningsområden. Sist i studien presenteras källförteckning samt studiens bilagor.

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  • 13.
    Björklund, Janna
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Liten och oskuldsfull men ändå så skräckinjagande: En komparativ studie av barnkaraktärer i John Ajvide Lindqvists Låt den rätte komma in, Människohamn och Lilla stjärna.2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    I John Ajvide Lindqvists romaner blandas välkända skräckteman med realistiska, samtida miljöer där barn ofta har en framträdande roll inom berättelsen. Den här uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka relationen mellan barnkaraktärerna och det skräckfyllda samt hur läsaren uppfattar det. En grundläggande tes för uppsatsen är att barnen utgör ett hot mot de vuxna karaktärerna i Ajvide Lindqvists romaner

    Låt den rätte komma in (2004), Människohamn (2008) och Lilla stjärna (2010). Centrala frågor som ställs är vilken karaktär framkallar obehag och skräck? Mot vilken person riktas hotet? Om barnet är ett hot, varför blir hen det? För att svara på frågorna studeras berättarperspektivet i respektive roman med hjälp av Gérard Genettes fokalisationsbegrepp. Uppsatsen är uppbyggd kring tre analyser av respektive roman som samtidigt jämförs med varandra, med hjälp av en komparativ metod, för att kunna dra slutsatser om varje enskild roman samt om Ajvide Lindqvists författarskap. Det visar sig finnas många likheter mellan barnkaraktärerna i romanerna och några av de viktigaste slutsatserna består i att den interna fokalisationen är viktig för hur vi ser på karaktärerna och om vi som läsare upplever dem som hotfulla och skrämmande.

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  • 14.
    Björklund, Johannes
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology.
    Salomonsson, Joel
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology.
    Yrkesidentitet och självupplevd anställningsbarhet för pilotstudenter2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this quantitative study was to see if there's a correlation between work identity and self-perceived employability even though the external work market is low. For the study, aviation students were chosen as a group with probably higher work identity and was compared to regular students from different educations. A web survey was formed to collect the data that was needed, and were sent out to 30 aviation students and 30 ”general” students from different educations around the country. The survey contained 27 question about work identity, internal and external employability and ambition. Also seven background questions about why the chosen education field. To analyze the data a MANOVA and correlation analysies were carried out. The result showed that aviation students experienced a higher work identity than the general students. They also showed higher ratings in external employability and ambition. The “general” students showed higher results in internal employability. Work identity showed strong correlations between all the employability scale items for the aviation students but not for the “general” students.

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  • 15. Order onlineBuy this publication >>
    Bonnevier, Jenny
    Örebro University.
    Making Babies and Making Home in an All-Female World: Reproduction, Sexuality and Belonging in Nicola Griffith’s Ammonite2023In: Populating the Future: Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction / [ed] Britt Johanne Farstad, Gävle: Gävle University Press , 2023, , p. 264p. 37-56Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 16.
    Brink, Lars
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för litteraturvetenskap och svenska språket.
    Intressant forskning om läsning2007In: Hudiksvalls Tidning, no 22 septemberArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 17.
    Brink, Lars
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för litteraturvetenskap och svenska språket.
    Svenska barn läser sämre2007In: Hudiksvalls Tidning, no 29 novemberArticle in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 18.
    Broman, Anna
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Kråkflickan och Raskolnikov: En komparativ studie av Brott och straff och Victoria Bergman- trilogin2013Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 5 credits / 7,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna studie behandlar de fyra böckerna Brott och straff av Fjodor Dostojevskij, Kråkflickan, Hungerelden och Pythians anvisningar alla tre skrivna av Jerker Eriksson och Håkan Axlander- Sundquist. Jag utför en illustrativ komparativ analys av mördarnas psyke och böckernas struktur samt undersöker det didaktiska värdet av att göra denna studie.

    Genom att psykologiskt analysera böckernas mördare har jag kunnat göra en psykologisk profil till de fyra. Raskolnikov som är dubbelmördare i kriminalromanen Brott och straff har en narcissistisk, schizofren läggning som beror på att hans omedvetna strider med det medvetna om det moraliska i att mörda. Viggo Dürer, den onda mördaren av ett femtiotal barn, som figurerar i trilogin är klart psykopatisk med en könsidentitetskonflikt. Victoria Bergman, den trasiga föräldramördaren som är huvudperson i Kråkflickan, Hungerelden och Pythians anvisningar lider av dissociativ personlighetsstörning till följd av upprepade övergrepp i barndomen. Hon är hjälten och detektiven på samma gång. Hennes dotter Madeleine, bortadopterad från födseln, är den som utför ett tiotal mord i trilogin. Med en liknande uppväxt som sin mamma är hon närmast psykopatisk och mördar med motivet hämnd. Victoria Bergman- trilogin faller inom ramen för både en detektivroman och en pusseldeckare, då läsaren får följa offer, förövare och detektiv och samtidigt själv ikläda sig rollen som den undersökande brottsutredaren.

    Det didaktiska värdet i min studie anser jag vara högt, då den för mig öppnat dörrar att som pedagog lättare ska kunna introducera äldre litteratur som ingår i kanon. Äldre litteratur kan komparativt studeras med hjälp av nyare som ligger närmare elevernas världsbild och då är lättare att ta till sig. All litteratur i min studie kan användas som underlag till värdegrundsdiskussioner och därmed låter eleverna uppnå en större förståelse för sin omvärld och sig själva. 

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  • 19.
    Cananau, Iulian
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, English.
    Constituting Americanness: A History of the Concept and Its Representations in Antebellum American Literature2015Book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This book is based on my PhD dissertation, entitled Representations of the Concept of “Americanness” in the Canon of Antebellum American Literature. It is a work in cultural history and literary theory that suggests a fresh and potentially fruitful approach to the old notion of Americanness, an idea that lay at the foundation of American studies in mid-twentieth century, only to be exposed as “ideological fiction” by the New Americanists. Surprisingly, neither its advocates nor its critics have made the scholarly effort necessary to theorize or conceptualize Americanness. 

    The subtitle indicates what is distinctive about this project: this is a study of the concept of Americanness. Thus, following Reinhart Koselleck’s history of concepts (Begriffsgeschichte), I propose that “Americanness” is not an ordinary word, but a concept with a broad, albeit historically specific, semantic field. Thus, in the three decades before the Civil War, the semantic field of “Americanness” was constituted at the intersection of several concepts, in different stages of their respective histories; among these, nation, representation, individualism, sympathy, race, and womanhood. By tracing the representations of these concepts in literary texts of the antebellum era, paying attention to their overlapping with the rhetoric of national identification, I uncover some of the meaning of “Americanness” in that period. 

    As far as literary history writing is concerned, Begriffsgeschichte has a double potential: first, to explain the source of confusion between historically different semantic loads of the same concept and, second, to check the critic’s tendency to relativize concepts and therefore make the past a little too familiar. The concept-focused close reading of literary works of the past involves a reformulation of the text/context binary so as to account for contingencies without diminishing the importance of exegesis (a crippling tendency in contemporary literary studies); ultimately, this work aims to reconsider the relationship between history and literature.

    To lay out the meaning of “Americanness” I analyze a wide range of antebellum texts by Emerson, Melville, Thoreau, Douglass, Whitman, Stowe, Jacobs, Hawthorne, Poe, and Fuller, against the background of critical reception and recent scholarship. Thus, to college students and faculty, this book offers a period study of major American writers of the antebellum era.

  • 20.
    Cananau, Iulian
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, English.
    Putting Context to New Use in Literary Studies: A Conceptual-Historicist Interpretation of Poe's 'Man of the Crowd'2017In: Partial Answers, ISSN 1565-3668, E-ISSN 1936-9247, Vol. 15, no 2, p. 241-261Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Poe’s adherence to a strict aesthetic formalism used to be problematic for studies of the relationship between his work and its American context; the methodology of New Historicism has helped to surmount this problem but sometimes with excessive emphasis on socio-historical contexts. This essay examines critical practices at work in the interpretation of Poe’s canonical piece “The Man of the Crowd” in light of the recent debates in literary studies around the problem of context and contextualization in general and the “hegemony” of new historicism in particular. It then suggests an alternative method of reading literary texts and their contexts — one based on Reinhart Koselleck’s history of concepts. It offers an analysis of “The Man of the Crowd” as an illustration of this method.

  • 21.
    Carleson, Angelica
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Stefánsson, Jim
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Elevers bristande erfarenhet av lyrik i svenskundervisningen: En grundad teoristudie av elevers relation till lyrik2015Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper aims to study upper secondary school seniors’ relationship to poetry. The researchers seek to discover the students’ conceptualization of the subject of poetry. Fur-thermore, this paper will present a case study, in which sixteen students participate. The chosen research approach is Glaserian Grounded Theory, which in itself has a con-siderably comprehensive methodology. However, working with Grounded Theory enables an objective approach to the field of study, requested by the researchers. In course of this study, the researchers found that the lack of experi-ence in working with poetry was the students’ main con-cern. The theory, which was generated, therefore evolved from the previously mentioned main concern.

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  • 22.
    Edsman, Martina
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, English.
    A Choice in Reading: A Study of Student Motivation for Studying English Literature in Upper Secondary Schools in Sweden2019Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree), 20 credits / 30 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay aims to examine the attitudes and motivation toward literary studies in English in upper secondary school students as well as to determine which tools practicing teachers can apply to increase their students’ language learning motivation within literature teaching in the Swedish curriculum. The questions that this study set out to answer was: How do students rate their ability to succeed in different tasks relating to English literary education? How can teachers in Sweden design their lessons in English literature to motivate their students? Which are some of the best ways to teach literature to students from a motivational standpoint? The primary theories used in this study are; self-efficacy theory and theories regarding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. This study used a qualitative method to examine the students’ attitudes towards reading English literature in schools. The research tool used is a questionnaire with both general questions regarding literature in addition to questions about how the students would rate their chance to succeed with a task relating to literary studies. This study found that one of the primary methods that teachers should apply when teaching literature to EFL students was giving the students a choice in reading material as well as using age-appropriate material. Using shorter texts such as short stories and extracts from novels was also a method that the students’ preferred. This study showed that using standardized testing is the least preferred examination method to use when assessing the students. On the other hand, the preferred examination methods were writing book reports, essays or using group discussions or answering study questions. Furthermore, it is important for the teacher to know the group and plan accordingly and listen to the students and give them a choice in what they read and how to assess them at the end of the literary module to give the students a greater chance of success.

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  • 23.
    Edsman, Martina
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, English.
    The Immortal Life and Immoral Values of Dorian Gray: A Study of Immortality and Immoral Behavior in The Picture of Dorian Gray2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay aims to examine how immortality and immoral behavior are represented in The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde. The claim in this essay is that an immortal life is not a desirable life and that it traps you in a paradoxical existence that cannot be desirable. The method used in this essay is close reading of the narrative focusing on the protagonist Dorian Gray examined through two theories, ‘The Makropulos case’ and the subsequent analysis regarding contingent and categorical desires introduced by Bernard Williams as well as a theory focusing on endless frustration by Aaron Smuts that evolved through critiquing Williams’ theory on contingent and categorical desires. By analyzing Dorian Gray’s behavior and comparing his choices to the theories presented by Williams and Smuts the results are unanimous and support the claim that an immortal life is undesirable. Dorian Gray ended up confined to a life without meaning as he left everything that held meaning to him behind in his pursuit of pleasure and youth.

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  • 24.
    Engman, Lovisa
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Elfving, Therese
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Lekens betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande: - en kvalitativ studie utifrån förskollärares syn på barns lek2022Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Studiens syfte är att undersöka lekens betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande i förskolan utifrån ett förskollärarperspektiv. I förskolan har leken en central plats som bidrar till lärande då den kan stimulera alla sidor av barns utveckling. Vuxna ska ha en engagerande närvaro som gör att barnen känner sig trygga och känner en lust till att leka och lära. Till vår studie valdes en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta förskollärare på en förskola ut. Metodvalet grundas i att få så utförliga svar som möjligt samt få möjlighet till att ställa eventuella följdfrågor. Datamaterialet som insamlades genom ljudupptagning och anteckningar bearbetades och analyserades genom transkribering. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna har en gemensam syn på lekens betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande och är överens om att det är genom leken som barn lär sig och utvecklas. De nämner att det är viktigt att barnen känner sig trygga, får tid och lugn och ro för att de ska kunna leka. Förskollärarna tar upp att barnen får möjlighet att bearbeta upplevelser genom leken och att leken ger barnen utrymme till att uttrycka känslor och tankar. Förskollärarna lyfter vidare att det är viktigt att vuxna är närvarande i leken för att kunna vägleda och stödja barnen i deras lek. Förskollärarna nämner att de kan ha olika roller i barnens lek men påpekar att de deltar i leken på barnens villkor och följer deras regler. Miljön tas upp som viktig och förskollärarna nämner att miljön lär utformas så att den lockar till lek och lärande.

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  • 25.
    Farstad, Britt Johanne
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies.
    Eve Revisited, Reimagined and Redeemed2024In: HumaNetten, E-ISSN 1403-2279, no 52, p. 169-194Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article is a preliminary study on Marianne Fredriksson's (1927–2007) Bible-inspired novels. Fredriksson was a bestselling author, translated into many languages and loved by her many readers across the world. She was a prominent author, not only in Sweden, but around the world. Her books have been translated into 47 languages and sold more than 17 million copies. Despite her success, Fredriksson's writing remains virtually unexplored. Fredriksson’s novels where in the midst of important currents of ideas that took place during the 1980s and 1990s. In this article Fredriksson’s debut novel The Book of Eve (1980) is read in relation to a number of mindsets about Eve in religious, postbiblical reconstructions and philosophical contexts.

  • 26.
    Farstad, Britt Johanne
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies. Umeå universitet, Institutionen för kultur- och medievetenskaper.
    Glaspärlespelaren: Nya världar, etik och androcentrism i Peter Nilsons science fiction-romaner2013Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis focuses on Peter Nilson’s (1937-1998) science fiction texts, and particularly on how narrative themes and structures in these texts are related to science as well as to the literary tradition of science fiction (SF). The primary texts are the novels Arken (The Ark, 1982), Äventyret (The Adventure, 1989), Rymdväktaren (The Space Guard, 1995), Nyaga (1996) as well as the short story “Kvinnan som ville ha barn med döden” (The Woman Who Wanted a Child With Death, 1987). Nilson was an established astronomer before publishing fiction, and in both novels and essays he joins “the two worlds” of the natural sciences and the humanities. My study of the reception of his work shows that his symbolic capital, his authority as a scientist, was transferred from one field of knowledge to another, thus increasing the value of his SF texts in critics’ eyes. Central to my analyses are the authorial strategies Nilson used when building bridges between natural science and the humanities, in a move evoking the Glass Bead Players in Herman Hesse’s novel The Glass Bead Game. My study shows that, unlike Hesse’s protagonists, the Glass Bead Players in Nilson’s texts accept, or even welcome, extreme consequences of scientific developments, such as the extinction of life as we know it.SF texts are traditionally categorized as either dystopic or utopic depending on the level of pessimism or optimism in their depictions of technology. I suggest instead that dystopic or utopic outcomes in modern SF novels depend on whether the texts build on an aleatoric or a teleological worldview. In aleatoric narratives, humankind is depicted as alone in the universe and thereby responsible for its own destiny. Teleological narratives feature superior, god-like forces from other worlds, which interfere with life on Earth and may elevate humans to higher levels of consciousness. The latter perspective, which is favoured in Nilson’s SF texts, entails that responsibility is removed from humankind since what happens is presented as meant to be. The tropes of the void and of creatio ex nihilo are recurrent in the examined texts, for instance through the use of myths and archetypes containing images of emptiness such as the “creation out of nothing”. Further, Nilson’s characters are often situated in a mental or physical “void” where their knowledge is of no use to them. My readings show that these voids are not empty but contain mythical and archetypal elements which activate obsolete religious ideas and gender models, such as the Logos vision: the creative power of words. This conservative tendency seems all the more surprising and problematic considering that the SF-genre is based on explorations of possible new worlds and beings.

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    Farstad, Britt Johanne
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies.
    Introduction2023In: Populating the Future: Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction / [ed] Britt Johanne Farstad, Gävle: Gävle University Press , 2023, , p. 264p. 11-35Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 28. Order onlineBuy this publication >>
    Farstad, Britt Johanne
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies.
    Mother Machine: ‘Not the true parent is the woman's womb’: Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale 2023In: Populating the Future: Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction / [ed] Britt Johanne Farstad, Gävle: Gävle University Press , 2023, , p. 264p. 83-110Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 29. Order onlineBuy this publication >>
    Farstad, Britt Johanne
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies.
    Populating the Future: Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction2023Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Speculative fiction opens doors for imagining beyond what is possible, conventional or acceptable. Speculative fiction has an acute ear for the social, the scientific and for political developments and change, all of which are prominent topics. Reproduction and parenthood are pertinent social questions that are constantly renegotiated in various arenas. By investigating representations of family-making and reproduction in speculative fiction, the research presented in Populating the Future: Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction not only adds to the field of speculative fiction scholarship, but also contributes to the more general discussion about reproduction and parenting.

    Speculative fiction operates as thought laboratories that make connections between discourses visible. It highlights power structures that can be difficult to detach and represents difficult and abstract issues more concretely. As such, speculative fiction demonstrates the complex entanglement of reproduction with issues of gender, power and agency. By facilitating thought experiments and illustrating alternatives, speculative fiction also enables the representation of new family structures and reproductive technologies, thus paving the way for discussions about various practices and their possible consequences. 

    Thanks to its multidisciplinary approach, this book will be of value to scholars and students of various disciplines, such as literature studies, philosophy, ethics, political science, the social sciences and gender studies. It will also be a useful resource in teacher training programmes, as well as to a more general audience interested in speculative literature, politics, society, gender and ethics.

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  • 30.
    Farstad, Britt Johanne
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, Swedish and Gender studies.
    Take the reader back to the reading: Drama on the curriculum in a teacher training program2023Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 31. Forsgren, Urban
    et al.
    Söderhäll, Bengt
    University of Gävle, Department of Education and Psychology, Ämnesavdelningen för didaktik.
    Stig Dagerman och barnet2001In: Bibliotek i länet, no 2, p. 4-7Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 32.
    Gailan, Mohammad
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Financial Success and the American Dream: A Marxist Reading of Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This paper analyses Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman. The main focus is on the theme American Dream and its influences on the characters. Classical Marxism and Althusser’s Marxist theory have been used as the theoretical framework for this paper to answer the questions: In which ways has the American dream as a concept of happiness and financial success affected the characters? Can the American dream and capitalism be blamed for the Loman family’s situation? The conclusion drawn after studying Miller’s play is that the material side of the American dream can be identified as the dominant in the play and it has more negative effects than positive ones on the Lomans, the effects are both mental and physical. Despite the negative effects of the American dream and capitalism on the characters in Miller’s Death of a Salesman, one cannot blame them for the Loman family’s situation. It is the individuals (characters) that must be blamed because everyone can independently in a democratic and free society make their own choices. For that reason, people have to stand up for their actions and take responsibility for the consequences of their choices and actions whether the consequences are good or bad. Hence, the problem in Miller’s play is not so much about ideological influences as it is about self-awareness.

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  • 33.
    Golchin, Simin
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    The Process of Identity Formation in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club: Amy Tan´s The Joy Luck Club2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Like most ethnic and multicultural narratives, Amy Tan’s The Joy Luck Club revolves around the development of an identity in which immigrant experience and all the questions of ethno- cultural identity that attend to it play central roles. The aim of this essay is to investigate the process of identity formation of the second-generation Chinese immigrant daughters who encounter Chinese culture at home while having the immediate experience of living in America, with a focus on the cultural, language and generational gaps that exist between the Chinese mothers and their American- born daughters. This study is guided by a theoretical framework that combines postcolonial theory and a number of established theories of identity construction including the concept of hybrid identity in order to analyze and explore the American-born daughters’ identity creation. Based on this analysis, this paper presents evidence that an identity formation process that involves cultural hybridization has occurred and the outcome of this identity formation is that of a hybrid identity.

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    The Process of Identity Formation in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club
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    Grimbeek, Marinette
    Örebro University.
    Girls Making Families: Agential Assemblage in Nnedi Okorafor’s Speculative Fiction2023In: Populating the Future: Families and Reproduction in Speculative Fiction / [ed] Britt Johanne Farstad, Gävle: Gävle University Press , 2023, , p. 264p. 133-156Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 35.
    Gullberg, Beata
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    The Hate U Give and Interpretive Communities: How Young Adult Fiction Can Strengthen a Political Movement2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In the wake of the guilty verdict of George Floyd’s murderer, police officer Derek Chauvin, there is hope for change in the pattern of police brutality against black people in the United States. The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas was published three years prior to George Floyd’s death, in 2017, and is a realistic fictional novel in the young adult genre that has gained attention for its relevant contribution in the debate of racism and police violence, as the fictional victim Khalil Harris, an unarmed black teenager, does not receive the same justice as George Floyd. In this essay, reader response to The Hate U Give is analysed in order to examine how it affects the opinions and worldview of the reader during and after the read. A close reading and analysis of pivotal scenes was carried out using affective stylistics, in order to interpret what the text does to the reader word-by-word, and subsequently the reader’s creation of meaning was examined and discussed. The reader’s response was then analysed with Stanley Fish’s theoretical framework of interpretive communities, groups with shared social norms and worldviews, which dictate how individuals create meaning in the first place. The analysis suggests that readers of The Hate U Give, while starting out in different, albeit to a certain extent similar, interpretive communities, will gradually align themselves with the interpretive community of Black Lives Matter through shared ideas and opinions and the increased understanding they develop when they read the novel.

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  • 36.
    Gustavsson, Michael
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för litteraturvetenskap och svenska språket.
    Formens funktion: Ett metodiskt problem i diktanalys: exemplet Karlfeldts2002In: Poetiska världar: 33 studier tillägnade Bengt Landgren / [ed] Håkan Möller, Otto Fischer, Stockholm/Stehag: Symposion , 2002Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 37.
    Gustavsson, Michael
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för litteraturvetenskap och svenska språket.
    Litteraturteorin i teorin och praktiken2002In: Tidskrift för litteraturvetenskap, ISSN 1104-0556, E-ISSN 2001-094X, no 4Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 38.
    Gustavsson, Michael
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för litteraturvetenskap och svenska språket.
    Litteraturteorins expansion: Svenska doktorsavhandlingar i litteraturvetenskap 1976-19952005In: Universitetsämne i brytningstider: studier i svensk akademisk litteraturundervisning 1947-1995 / [ed] Bengt Landgren, Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2005, p. 449-623Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 39.
    Gustavsson, Michael
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för filmvetenskap, historia, litteraturvetenskap, medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap och statsvetenskap.
    Teorins pionjärer: om introduktionen och receptionen av den moderna litteraturteorin i Sverige2008In: Lychnos, ISSN 0076-1648, p. 175-200Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 40.
    Gustavsson, Michael
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för litteraturvetenskap och svenska språket.
    Text och textobjekt1999In: Textanalys: Introduktion till syftesrelaterad kritik / [ed] Carl Anders Säfström & Leif Östman, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 1999Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 41.
    Gustavsson, Michael
    University of Gävle, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ämnesavdelningen för litteraturvetenskap och svenska språket.
    Textens väsen: En kritik av essentialistiska förutsättningar i modern litteraturteori : Exemplen Cleanth Brooks, Roman Jakobson, Paul de Man1996Book (Other academic)
  • 42.
    Haile, Haben
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    The Loman family's dreams of success: An analysis of Death of a Salesman through Althusser's theory of ideology2023Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay aims to analyze the play Death of a Salesman by Arthur Miller from an Althusserian perspective, focusing on his theory on ideology and ideological apparatuses. The theory has been implemented by analyzing the main characters individually to decipher their ideological views and how they have been subjects of interpellation. Furthermore, this essay will attempt to examine which ideological apparatuses are displayed in the play and how they have influenced the characters. According to this interpretation of the play, they all believe success is reachable for everybody, depending on their status and how well-liked and admired they are. Their ideological views differ slightly among each character; however, the fundamental idea that a man is worthy and accomplished only through success is shared by everyone. The ideology that is predominant in the family can be described as the “American dream”. The conclusion is that the most influential interpellation that occurs in the play is from the family ideology apparatus, and that the interpretation of the ideology embraced by the family is what makes them fail to achieve their dreams.

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  • 43.
    Hajo, Robin
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Management, Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management.
    Sarkisjan, Aram
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Management, Industrial Design and Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management.
    Icke-värdeskapande aktiviteter inom byggservice: En fallstudie av Snitek AB2020Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The literature on lean service and practical implementation of lean service is very thin, as the use of lean as a tool in service-oriented companies is not as well established as in the industrial and manufacturing sectors. This has created an interest in us to investigate how lean service and lean tools can be adapted to be used in the construction industry.

    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify non-value adding activities and problem areas to provide suggestions regarding leantools that can help to improve the carpentryproject process from beginning to end.

    Methodology: To answer the question of which non-value adding activities arise in carpentry-projects and which activities and areas in the carpentry processes that could be improved through leantools, have been studied as a case study in a medium-sized construction company. A total of four interviews were conducted, in an early stage a pilot interview with the group manager was conducted to form an idea of the current situation in the case company. Thereafter three semi-structured interviews were conducted with the company's board member, group manager and an employed carpenter. The Lean tools 5S and Muda sets the theme of the interviews and addresses issues related to waste, nonvalue adding activities and work routines. The material gathered from the interviews is set against the theoretical frame of reference and forms the basis for the analysis and discussion of this study.

    Results: The interviews revealed that mistakes, rework, unnecessary movements and waiting times are common. Usually in the form of incorrect drawings, poor conditions in workplaces or inadequate planning before carrying out the work in the delimited area of wall-projects. The case company recognizes that a development should take place in certain areas, but that inefficiency is not only due to them, but also to external circumstances.

    Contributions: Modifications to the original eight waste categories have been made to more accurately represent wastes that arise in service-oriented professions. Problems that arise in connection with non-value-creating activities are largely due to a lack of communication, unengaged employees, and inadequate planning. The results of this study validate previous research in the area of lean service and contributes with a unique perspective, as the construction industry is difficult to define as it can neither be defined as manufacturing, production oriented nor service oriented.

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  • 44.
    Hansson, Michelle Folashade
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities, English.
    Signifying in Toni Morrison’s Beloved2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay discusses how language, culture and spirituality are intertwined and used as a defensive mechanism as well as an identity marker, with strong emphasis on Toni Morrison’s Beloved. Language is not just a means of communication, but an interweaving of cultural nuances and a means of establishing identity, demanding autonomy and defying powerlessness. Language is a tool that is embedded in the culture and traditions as well as the experiences of the user of that language. In Morrison’s Beloved, language is not just words used for the purpose of communication, but as a link between that which is real and that which is not; as a representation of a culture that celebrates the importance of remembering – linking the present with the past in a continuum that is particular to the culture, tradition and beliefs of the users. It also symbolises a means of defiance to powerlessness, by defecting from the norm. In Morrison’s Beloved, language as vernacular or “Black Man’s Talk” is characterised by puns, taunts, double-meanings and innuendos that are particular to the Black Race as a way of rejecting the status quo, of defying the white man’s language; of saying “Ah kin signify all Ah please, …., so long as Ah know what Ah’m talkin’ about” (Gates 212).

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  • 45.
    Hashim, Khuteibe
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Educational sciences.
    Thick Love: A Psychoanalytical Study of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Toni Morrison’s Beloved2021Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This study employs psychoanalytical theories to explore how the conscious, unconscious, and subconscious workings of the mind, combined with a search for identity, are presented and dealt with in Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved (1987). It is done through a close reading and in-depth textual analysis of thematic concerns raised in the work. Previous research has primarily relied on some specific aspects of psychoanalytic theory and applied it to Beloved. The theoretical framework provides a rationale for this paper to research two events in particular that highlight the mother-daughter relationships between Sethe and her Ma’am and between Sethe and her daughter Beloved. These relationships are consequently analyzed by employing psychoanalytical concepts offered by Freud, Lacan and Kristeva. By utilizing psychoanalytical criticism, the characters’ conscious and unconscious motives and feelings are revealed and explained, as well as the meanings and the undercurrents that lie underneath the text’s consciousness. The results suggest that Sethe murdered her daughter Beloved to keep her from becoming a slave and enduring the dreadful and traumatic consequences of slavery, which was similar to what Sethe went through when she was abandoned by her Ma'am. Sethe’s childhood psychological principles and trauma shaped her identity as a mother as she witnessed her mother abandoning her at a young age by being tortured and killed. The events around Sethe’s mother’s death and the fact that Sethe never identifies her mother’s dead body, scar Sethe for life and instill in Sethe a sense of “lack” and an abnormal feeling of maternal love where she is ready to kill her children to save them from the horror of slavery.

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    Thick Love
  • 46.
    Hedlund, Clara
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Kommuners riktlinjer för sociala medier: Hör de offentliga sektorerna hemma på den digitala arenan2014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]


    Seminarietid: 2014-06-03 kl. 15.00-16.00

    Författare: Clara Hedlund

    Titel: "Kommuners riktlinjer för sociala medier"

    Nivå: C-uppsats i Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, 15 hp.

    Syfte: Användningen av sociala medier eskalerar. Fler och fler befinner sig på de digitala arenorna och detta vill företag, organisationer, myndigheter och kommuner utnyttja. Denna undersökning är en fortsatt studie till en B-uppsats som skapades i perioden december till januari 2013/2014. Där undersöktes Gävle kommuns användning av sociala medier och hur de marknadsförde varumärket genom dessa medier. I denna undersökning undersöks vidare Gävle kommun tillsammans med fyra kommuner ytterligare. Då många kommuner använder sig av de sociala medierna kommer syftet i uppsatsen vara att undersöka hur lättillgängliga respektive kommuns kommunikationspolicy för sociala medier är. Hur riktlinjerna är utformade och var någonstans man kan ta del av dessa kommer att undersökas.

    Metod: Textanalys av de fem kommunernas kommunikationspolicyers för sociala medier presenteras samt en undersökning om hur tillgängliga dessa dokument är utformade förekommer i uppsatsen.

    Material: Kommunernas respektive hemsidor kommer att ligga till grund för sökning av kommunikationspolicyer för sociala medier. Det främsta materialet för undersökningen är varje kommuns dokument som innehåller riktlinjerna för användningen av sociala medier. Två stycken intervjuer som har gjorts via mejl med tre personer från Gävle kommun som dagligen arbetar med sociala medier och kommunikation kommer även att användas.

    Huvudresultat: Hypotesen som råder genom undersökningen är att eventuella osäkerheter vad det gäller användandet kan speglas/identifieras genom undersökningen av riktlinjer. Detta stärks i resultatet genom att undersöka var enskild kommuns hemsida så framgår att fler än hälften av de undersökta kommunerna inte har några riktlinjer tillgängliga på hemsidan. Däremot har de riktlinjer för medarbetarna att förhålla sig till, men dessa dokument finns enbart att ta del av internt inom kommunen. Trots detta använder samtliga kommuner sig av sociala medier flitigt.

  • 47.
    Hellstrand, Anneli
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Den moderna skulden: En jämförande sociologisk litteraturanalys av Jonas Karlssons Fakturan och Franz Kafkas Processen2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Jonas Karlssons novell Fakturan (2011) har visat sig ha flera beröringspunkter med Franz Kafkas Processen (1924). Uppsatsen visar hur dessa verk behandlar individens skuld i det moderna samhället. Karlssons novell som är skriven ca hundra år efter det att Kafka skrev Processen skildrar likväl en problematik som kanske varit gällande ända sedan marknadsekonomin först började att breda ut sig. Uppsatsen analyserar Kafkas och Karlssons verk ur ett sociologiskt perspektiv, där jag använt mig av Marx och Nietzsche som teoretiker. Bermans Allt som är fast förflyktigas har utgjort stommen ur vilken jag lutat mina påståenden om modernitetens inverkan på människan genom tiderna. Uppsatsen visar att skuldproblematiken riktad mot individen i det moderna samhället är likartad men framställs annorlunda i verken. En slutsats båda huvudkaraktärerna möjligtvis drar i berättelsernas slut, är att mänsklig kontakt och samverkan är att föredra, framför den ensamma och egoistiska vägen genom livet.

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  • 48.
    Hellström, Julia
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Make Room for the New Woman: The Extinction of the Earth-bound Angel in Three Short Stories by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and Kate Chopin2023Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay explores the feminist message in Kate Chopin’s short story “The Story of an Hour” and Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “An Extinct Angel” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”. The relationship between space and gender will be examined in connection with theoretical conceptions of female consciousness. The study makes use of feminist theory and is particularly inspired by Virginia Woolf’s conception of the gender-space relationship, along with later feminist critics’ works on gender consciousness. It is argued that the authors, through these short stories, describe the contemporary female experience and propose the claiming of space as the solution to end female repression. The study ultimately shows that these stories convey the authors’ appeal for the awakening of the feminist consciousness - an appeal to kill ‘the angel in the house’.

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  • 49.
    Hennig, Emma
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Hiding in Plain Sight: A Gynocritical Reading of Rochester’s Narrative in Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea2022Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This essay is the result of a close-reading of the male protagonist’s narrative in Jean Rhys’s novel Wide Sargasso Sea (1966). His narrative was examined through an interpretive lens layered with a combination of several critical onsets that form the pillars of Elaine Showalter’s theory of a metaphysical female crescent outside of male consciousness. With a combination of gynocriticism, postcolonial feminism, cultural theory and psychoanalysis, this essay charted the inner expedition of the male protagonist as he travels to the Caribbean and marries his new wife. The findings showed how his inner journey takes him to the borderlands of his consciousness and language. On the other side of the border is the female crescent, the wild zone, where women and wilderness taunt him and hide from him in plain sight. Stretching himself to the limits of his conscious mind, the male protagonist Rochester loses his grip on reality and gets overwhelmed by feelings of fear and anger.

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  • 50.
    Hills, Sehten Porshe
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Education and Business Studies, Department of Humanities.
    Things Fall Apart & Heart of Darkness: Colonialism: Presenting the same universal ethic in two diametrically opposite ways2019Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    This research paper will examine the representation of colonialism in the narratives Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe and Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. The aim of this Analysis is to demonstrate that both Achebe and Conrad expressed the same universal ethic in two diametrically opposite ways. The term “universal ethic” refers to the evil that is associated with colonialism, and “evil” represents the psychological, physical and emotional trauma that was suffered by both the colonizers and the colonized people. Therefore, as the basis for analysis, this research uses the psychological, emotional and physical criticisms to expose the evil of colonialism. As a postcolonial, Achebe’s opposition to the concept of colonialism is represented by the psychological and emotional collapse of the Igbo natives in Things Fall Apart. As for Joseph Conrad, a colonizer who was sent to the Congo, the physical abuse of the natives represents the evil of colonialism in Heart of Darkness. Achebe criticizes the evil of colonialism as a postcolonial, while Conrad criticizes the evil of colonialism as a colonial.

    This research was conducted exclusively with the support of textbooks and internet articles as well as Webb publications that address the concepts of postcolonialism and colonialism. A total of six (6) recognized books, as well as twelve (12) Webb publications, were used as references to support the postcolonial theory in this analysis. In addition, this research features twelve pages of close reading that examines the psychological, emotional and physical criticism of colonialism that are used to defend the thesis. Correspondingly, the conclusion is established based on the suitability of the findings. It is then concluded that the evil of colonialism is expressed by Chinua Achebe and Joseph Conrad in two diametrically opposite ways in Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness respectively.

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    Sehten Porshe Hills
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