The aim of the thesis has been to develop a workable proposal on the existing water system between the engine and retarder that is inexpensive and has adjustable mounting, light weight and long life. A retarder is a helping brake and its main task is to reduce wear on the regular brakes.
To solve this, first a description of the present situation was mapped on the cooling tube. Then, Scania staff was interviewed at the Scania Retarder section and we had a discussion about the company’s previous designs.
The theories used were Design For Assembly (DFA), Design For Manufacture (DFM), Design For Environment (DFE), Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) and Scania Production System (SPS).
To ensure the type of material and the manufacturing process "out of the box thinking" was made in the construction. The information that emerged was that one could optimize the dimension, possibly amending the existing material and eliminate a bracket on the coolant pipe. The aim of this design is not only to obtain a cheaper and lighter construction but it should also be easier to assemble.
The design proposal is a Cooling Water Pipe with brackets that are made of bent sheet metal and are mounted on rubber tubes in order to damp vibrations. Here I have replaced the welded brackets with mountable brackets that hold the cooling water pipe in place. Furthermore, the thickness of the cooling water pipe was reduced from 2 mm to 1.5 mm and I have retained the existing material SS-EN 1010216, pressure vessel steel, because both aluminium and plastic are not held at the vibrations that were generated in the vehicle. In addition, brackets which hold up the whole construction of the cooling water pipe against the gearbox were redesigned so that they fit the new structure. These brackets were mounted on the gear housing with two M10 screws on each bracket.
Simulations that were made in the Finite Element Method (FEM) were conducted to investigate the deformations and stresses that occur when the coolant passes through the cooling water pipe and when vibrations arise from engine, pump, wheel or road. Results from analyzes, using finite element, indicate that the most critical stresses are on the round brackets who are holding up the cooling water pipe. The maximum static stress on these brackets is 75 MPa with yield strength of 500MPa. This is considered to be low and not critical.
However in the dynamic analysis the natural frequency occurred at 162 Hz which is over Scania’s critical range, 150 Hz. To ensure the structural integrity, a prototype should be made and tested in order to authenticate that the safety margin is sufficient and that the natural frequency is within the critical interval.
The proposal has been presented to the staff at the assembly department and they were positive about this suggestion due to many reasons such as easier installation, reduced installation time, ergonomic mount ability, quality controlled assembly and ability to pre-mount. In addition, the assemblers thought that this design proposal can minimize staffing as a result of the short assembly times.