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  • 1.
    Abbas, Wasim
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Asghar, Imran
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    The Role of Leadership In Organizatinal Change: Relating the successful Organizational Change with Visionary and Innovative Leadership2010Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 15 credits / 22,5 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The globalization has converted the world into a small global village; a village in which there is an ever high stream of contentions and competitions between organizations. In this scenario the most effective and beneficial maneuver for any organization is to create innovative ways in conducting business. This thesis deals with the role of leadership in the phenomena of organizational change and innovation. The leader as a person in charge or as a change agent can manage an organization or the process of organizational change more effectively and successfully if h/she is capable and competent. Rapid technological advancements, high expectations of customers, and ever changing market situations have compelled organizations to incessantly reassess and reevaluate how they work and to understand, adopt and implement changes in their business model in response of changing trends. Organizational change is a demand of the day, and needed for organizations to survive. Organizations now a days, well understand the importance of the matter, and are serious to prepare themselves not only the current, but also for the future trends to get the level of sustainable success, but Along with all of its implications and importance the process of organizational change is also a very complex and challenging.  Research shows that 70 percent of organizational changes fail to get their goals. As leadership has a central role in evolution and cultivating an organization, the process of organizational change demands a very effective and highly competent leadership that is well capable to perceive the most desirable shape of an organization and address the issue of organizational change in most appropriate way. The analysis of literature reviewed and the results of real life cases of organizations which are studied for this thesis shows, that a leadership with the competencies of “Vision” and “Innovative Approach” along with other characteristics can prove more effective to conclude the complex phenomena of organizational change with success. Further the successful organizational change can leads to innovation for organization, which is the key of long term success and sustainability. This thesis as a result proposed a model which is derived from the leadership competencies, organizational change, and sustainable success and innovation literature. This model expresses relationship between successful organizational change and leadership on the basis of h/her characteristics, which are ‘Vision” and “Innovative Approach”. With the help of proposed model this relationship can be viewed graphically.

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  • 2.
    Abbassi, Selma
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Engström, Rickard
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Algoritm för lokalisering av referensnoder med Indoor Positioning System2016Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Indoor Positioning Systems lokaliserar människor och objekt inomhus med hjälp av minst tre kända referenspunkter. System för inomhuspositionering som använder kända referenspunkter kallas anchor-based lokalisering medan de som beräknar deras positioner själva kallas anchor-free lokalisering. Syftet med detta arbete är att utveckla en algoritm som är anpassad efter ett anchor-free lokaliseringssystem. Den ska vara oberoende av nätverksuppkopplingen, hårdvaran och hur avstånden mellan mottagare och sensorer beräknats. Utgångspunkten för algoritmen är enbart avstånd mellan en mottagare och tre sensorer vilket kan beskrivas som arbetets huvudsakliga problem.

    Algoritmen implementerades i Java med en simulering som återspeglar positioneringen i en perfekt miljö och sedan testas på en Android-applikation. Simuleringen tillåter användaren att rita ut flera mätpunkter som skapar en rutt. Dessa mätpunkter utnyttjas för att dynamiskt lokalisera referenspunkterna och mätpunkterna genom att hitta ett minsta avstånd mellan sensorerna. Dessa avstånd kan beskrivas som sidorna för en referenstriangel som möjliggör att ett koordinatsystem kan spännas upp.

    Resultatet av den empiriska studien visade en felmarginal mellan 0,3-6 m utan signalstörningar, vilket inte var tillräckligt noggrant. Efter att algoritmen implementerats lades fokus på en korrigering som kan itereras igenom för att uppskatta bättre mätvärden för referenstriangeln. Korrigeringen gav positiva resultat med lägre felmarginal. Arbetet kan vidareutvecklas genom att implementeras i ett verkligt IPS-system och algoritmen kan förbättras genom att skapa utökade funktioner som kan hantera fler än tre beacons.

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  • 3.
    Abdalla, Shireen
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Strömlind, Sandra
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Den ekonomiska lönsamheten att friköpa en tomträtt: En studie angående tomträtter i Gävle kommun2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Site-leasehold right is a form of access to a property. This means that the owner of the property, usually a municipality or the state, let a site-leaseholder use the property against an annual ground rent. A ground rent is determined by a site-leasehold agreement between the owner of the property and the site-leaseholder. The fixed ground rents are for a period of 10 or 20 years. Long periods of rents combined with a real estate market with rising prices means that the ground rent at a new period of ground rent can be increased considerably. The site-leaseholder may well choose to redeem their long lease. To buy the freehold of a site-leasehold means that the site-leaseholder acquires the property of the property owner and form a new single-family real estate.  The purpose of the study is to provide a better understanding and knowledge of the site lessee facing the decision to retain the site-leasehold or redeem it. The goal of the project is to provide knowledge about when the economic viability of redeeming a siteleasehold may be deemed attained. Another goal is based on the site-leaseholders perspectives consider to highlighting the underlying reasons why a single-family siteleasehold redeemed.   The study is limited to detached single-family site-leaseholds in three geographical areas in the municipality of Gävle. The economic viability of redeeming single-family site-leasehold examined from the site-leasehold executiver's decision to sell or retain the site-leasehold. To examine more closely why a site lessee chooses to redeem the siteleasehold conducted qualitative telephone interviews.  From the results based on the study, it can be concluded that it is likely to be economically justified to redeem a single-family site-leasehold on the price of acquiring the plot is equal to or less than the amount that symbolizes the breaking point of economic viability. Of the respondents surveyed for the study the single biggest reason for why a site lessee chooses to redeem his site-leasehold was because of the uncertainty arising from the developments around the ground rent.

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  • 4.
    Abdelrahman, Ahmed
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Detection and Extraction of Sky Regions in Digital Images based on Color Classification2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In many applications of image processing there is a need to extract the solid background which it is usually sky for outdoor images. In our application we present this solution. We developed an automatic algorithm for detection and extraction of sky regions in the color image based on color classification. In which the input image should be in the RGB color space and the blue color is detected and classified. Then the color image is transformed to the binary form and the connected regions are extracted separately. The connected regions are then sorted in a descending order according to the biggest area and the biggest region is identified. Then we merged all objects that have similar sky properties. Experimental results showed that our proposed algorithm can produce good results compared to other existing algorithms.

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  • 5.
    Abdi, Shorash
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Stedt, Fredrik
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Utvärdering av Leicas multistations och laserskanners mätosäkerheter2014Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Presently there is no standard for the evaluation of measurement uncertainties for terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) despite the fact that the instrument has been on the market and used for a long time. Since the manufacturer's specifications do not always correspond with reality, it is important to have knowledge about how well the instrument performs. Numerous studies over the past decade have applied different approaches to estimate the measurement uncertainties on various TLS.

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the measurement uncertainties of the TLS Leica ScanStation C10 with the multi station Leica Nova MS50 under two different weather conditions. The uncertainty was calculated using ISO 17123-5:2012, which is an international standard developed for acquiring measurement uncertainties of total stations, to investigate whether this standard could also be applicable for TLS. The survey, which took place outdoor at the University of Gävle, was carried out by scanning targets that were set up in a triangle formation from three stations. Both spheres and HDS-targets were scanned with the TLS while the MS50 only scanned spheres. The targets were scanned four times from each instrument setup. Cyclone was used to find the coordinates on the center of the targets which were used to calculate the uncertainties according to the ISO-standard. The results showed that the 3D-uncertainty of C10 with HDS-target and spheres were 2.9 mm and 3.5 mm during sunny conditions and 1.1 mm and 1.4 mm during cloudy conditions, respectively. In the case of the MS50, the uncertainty was 3.0 mm during sunny and 3.7 mm during cloudy conditions. MS50 demonstrated a higher 3D-uncertainty in both weather conditions due to high uncertainty in the vertical direction. In addition, a chi-two-test carried out on the TLS showed that the calculated uncertainty in plane and height did not significantly deviate from the manufacturer's specified uncertainty when using HDS-targets during cloudy conditions. Furthermore, it was found in the F-test that there was a significant difference in plane and height between two scans with the same instrument and target type in different weather conditions. MS50 did not show any significant difference at all. The results of this study showed that there will be a significantly lower uncertainty when scanning in cloudy conditions. Our conclusion is that it is possible to apply the standard to calculate the measurement uncertainties on TLS and ISO should consider using the same standard for TLS as the total station.

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    Utvärdering av Leicas multistations och laserskanners mätosäkerheter
  • 6.
    Abid, Muhammad
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production. KTH, School of Industrial Engineering and Management (ITM), Industrial Economics and Management.
    Global Supply Chain Design: Exploring configurational and coordination factors2015Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis addresses the topic of global supply chain design. One major challenge concerns how to manage the tension between separation and integration pertaining to the localization of business activities. In this regard Ferdows (2008) worked to create two new production network models (rooted production network and footloose production network). Earlier studies have highlighted the choices that are involved in the network of facilities but lack in providing a comprehensive picture in terms of both configurational and coordination factors that govern the design of global supply chain. There is a need for a conceptual model where factors affecting the design process of a global supply chain can be applied. Two main research questions have been addressed in this study. First, exploring and identifying the factors affecting global supply chain design. Second, investigating the factors that influence the position on the spectrum of rooted and footloose supply chain design.      

    A literature review analysis and multi-case studies have been performed for this study in order to explore the factors. The companies were selected in order to reflect upon the two types of network, i.e., rooted and footloose. The primary data were selected through interviews with the managers.

    This study highlighted that there are many factors that affect configurational and coordination decision areas within a global supply chain. This study categorized the factors and the configurational/coordination decision areas with two main competitive priorities, i.e., cost and differentiation in the form of a “conceptual model.” The study also highlighted the factors in a matrix, which showed their position on the spectrum of rooted and footloose network configurations. For instance, the coordination factors that drive towards a footloose network include: high orchestration capabilities, need access to new technology and knowledge, proximity to suppliers, etc. The configurational factors that drive towards a rooted network include: economic stability, proximity to market, concerns for sustainability issues, high transportation cost, need for high proximity between key functions, need for intellectual property rights protection, etc.

  • 7.
    Abid, Muhammad
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Bengtsson, Lars
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Dabhilkar, Mandar
    Stockholm University, School of Business.
    Factors affecting shifts in global supply chain networks: A configurational approach2013In: Proceedings of the 20th International Annual EurOMA conference, Dublin, Ireland, 9-12 June 2013, 2013Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In certain situations, global companies strive to take advantage of short-term changes in economic and exchange rates on the never-ending journey of competitiveness. This paper seeks to extend Ferdows’s (2008) production network models by adding the factors affecting shifts between rooted and footloose network configurations. Two companies were selected in order to illustrate the models and reveal other possible factors. The identified factors are differentiated in terms of configuration and coordination and merged in a matrix. The trends and implications on global supply chains are also discussed. 

  • 8.
    Abid, Muhammad
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Bengtsson, Lars
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Hellberg, Roland
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Dabhilkar, Mandar
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Industrial Economics and Management .
    Factors affecting global supply chain design2012Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Due to the limited existing knowledge pertaining to the factors which govern localization of operations and capabilities in a global supply chain, the purpose of the paper is to find out which factors and how they jointly affect the design of global supply chains. The relevant literature is reviewed and a concept matrix is developed. Five companies were selected in order to illustrate the issues of global supply chain design. Among them, three companies are considered to have efficient supply chain and less complex products, while the two others are considered to have responsive supply chain and more complex products. The issues discussed with the selected companies cover global sourcing, challenges, technological advancement and issues related to management control. The study identifies about fifty factors that affect global supply chain design, and specifically how theses relate to design decisions on location of factories and production, supplier selection and development, distribution of products and organisation of interfaces along the supply chain. The discrepancies between theory and practice as well as the implications for further research are discussed.

  • 9.
    Abid, Muhammad
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Bengtsson, Lars
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Hellberg, Roland
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Mandar, Dabhilkar
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Industrial Economics and Management .
    Global supply chain design: Building a decision model2012Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The knowledge pertaining to the factors, which govern localization of operations and capabilities in a global supply chain, is limited. The purpose of the paper is to find out which factors and how they jointly affect the design of a global supply chain. The relevant literature is reviewed and a concept matrix is developed. The study identifies 30 factors that affect a global supply chain design and specifically how theses relate to the design decisions on location of factories and production, supplier selection and development, distribution logistics, organisation of interfaces/enterprise information infrastructure along the supply chain and human resource development. The decision model is developed and the description of the model is done with the help of an example (location of a factory) by using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) (Saaty, 1990).  

  • 10.
    Abid, Muhammad
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Fobbe, Lea
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Lozano, Rodrigo
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Sammalisto, Kaisu
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Sustainability reporting as a way to foster entrepreneurial universities2018In: Proceedings of the 25th Annual EurOMA Conference - To Serve, to Produce and to Servitize in the Era of Networks, Big Data and Analytics, Budapest, June 24-26, 2018., 2018Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a major role in the development of societies. In the last decades, there has been an increasing interest on the commercialisation of knowledge by universities for economic development that lead to the emergence of the term “Entrepreneurial University”. This study aims to report the sustainability efforts of the University of Gävle, Sweden by applying a systematic tool, Graphical Assessment of Sustainability in Universities (GASU). This study highlights sustainability reporting as a way to improve communication practices between universities and stakeholder. The systematic and holistic assessment of HEIs gives insights of collaboration opportunities and by that foster their entrepreneurial journey.

  • 11.
    Abolghasemi Kordestani, Arash
    et al.
    Luleå Tekniska Universitet.
    Bengtsson, Lars
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Farhat, Farshad
    Peighambari, K
    Lueå Tekniska Universitet.
    Supply chain process maturity and financial performance study of Swedish steel SMEs2010In: Proceedings of  the 17th Euroma conference, 2010Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The goal of this research is to demonstrate that the financial performance of the current year in Swedish steel SMEs is dependent on the amount of maturity of supply chain processes. This is examined by considering current supply chain process maturities of the firm together with financial performance of prior years. It was found that the delivery process of supply chain processes and prior cost of goods sold (COGS) have an effect on current COGS. Additionally, prior inventory and plan process of the supply chain have a positive and negative effect on inventory turnover respectively.

  • 12.
    Abrahamsson, Emilie
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Relationen mellan kalkyleringsmetoder, Lean och produktionsflöden av kundanpassad karaktär: Hur kostnadsprecisionen i förkalkyleringen i denna typ av produktion kan ökas samt vilken kalkyleringsmetod som passar bäst2015Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 180 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Since the manufacturing industry is heading for a higher level of customization and implementation of Lean, at the same time as outmoded traditional costing methods is still used in modern industrial organizations, it is interesting to explore the relations between production flows of customized character, Lean and different costing methods.

    The purpose of this thesis is to increase the cost precision in the preliminary calculation for a product flow of customer adapted and Lean character, and to describe a generalizable work process for this. The purpose is also to develop general recommendations regarding the choice of costing methods by, on a basis of the character of this production, a comparative analysis of costing methods (traditional costing methods, ABC and Lean accounting/VSC). Through a literature study and a case study of a production flow with a high level of variety and influence from Lean, both of the purposes has been fulfilled.

    The case study has been accomplished through interviews and observations. Problems and positive elements that according to literature characterize the production of customized products have also been found in the case company. That connection has been used to support the analysis of the relations. The relations between costing methods, Lean and production flows of customized character has been analyzed through a comparison between findings in literature and results from the case study. It has been found that Value Stream Costing (VSC) is the most appropriate costing method for production flows of customized products that has reached a high maturity level of Lean.

    The preliminary costing is dependent on reliable operation times which have been produced on the case study company, while a general work process has been developed. The operation times were in this case identified through video recordings of the production moments and a following analysis in the software AviX. By following the general work process that has been developed, useful material for preliminary costing and continuous improvements in the production flow will be obtained.

    Since research is showing that Lean should be implemented in the whole organization if full advantages of Lean shall be obtained, VSC is found to be an ideal costing method to replace outmoded, traditional costing methods at the same time as this costing method simplifies costing in production flows of customized character.

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  • 13.
    Abrehdary, M.
    et al.
    Royal Inst Technol KTH, Div Geodesy & Satellite Positioning, S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden..
    Sjöberg, L. E.
    Royal Inst Technol KTH, Div Geodesy & Satellite Positioning, S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden..
    Bagherbandi, Mohammad
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS. Royal Inst Technol KTH, Div Geodesy & Satellite Positioning, S-10044 Stockholm, Sweden..
    Modelling Moho depth in ocean areas based on satellite altimetry using Vening Meinesz-Moritz' method2016In: Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica, ISSN 2213-5812, Vol. 51, no 2, p. 137-149Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    An experiment for estimating Moho depth is carried out based on satellite altimetry and topographic information using the Vening Meinesz-Moritz gravimetric isostatic hypothesis. In order to investigate the possibility and quality of satellite altimetry in Moho determination, the DNSC08GRA global marine gravity field model and the DTM2006 global topography model are used to obtain a global Moho depth model over the oceans with a resolution of 1 degrees x 1 degrees. The numerical results show that the estimated Bouguer gravity disturbance varies from 86 to 767 mGal, with a global average of 747 mGal, and the estimated Moho depth varies from 3 to 39 km with a global average of 19 km. Comparing the Bouguer gravity disturbance estimated from satellite altimetry and that derived by the gravimetric satellite-only model GOGRA04S shows that the two models agree to 13 mGal in root mean square (RMS). Similarly, the estimated Moho depths from satellite altimetry and GOGRA04S agree to 0.69 km in RMS. It is also concluded that possible mean dynamic topography in the marine gravity model does not significantly affect the Moho determination.

  • 14.
    Abrehdary, Majid
    et al.
    Department of Environment and Life Sciences, Geomatics Section, University of Karlstad, Karlstad,Sweden; Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
    Lars, Sjöberg
    Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning, Royal Institute of Technology(KTH), Sweden.
    Bagherbandi, Mohammad
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Sampietro, Daniele
    GReD s.r.l., Como, Italy.
    Towards the Moho depth and Moho density contrast along with their uncertainties from seismic and satellite gravity observations2017In: Journal of Applied Geodesy, ISSN 1862-9016, E-ISSN 1862-9024, Vol. 11, no 4, p. 231-247Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    We present a combined method for estimating a new global Moho model named KTH15C, containing Moho depth and Moho density contrast (or shortly Moho parameters), from a combination of global models of gravity (GOCO05S), topography (DTM2006) and seismic information (CRUST1.0 and MDN07) to a resolution of 1° × 1° based on a solution of Vening Meinesz-Moritz’ inverse problem of isostasy. This paper also aims modelling of the observation standard errors propagated from the Vening Meinesz-Moritz and CRUST1.0 models in estimating the uncertainty of the final Moho model. The numerical results yield Moho depths ranging from 6.5 to 70.3 km, and the estimated Moho density contrasts ranging from 21 to 650 kg/m3, respectively. Moreover, test computations display that in most areas estimated uncertainties in the parameters are less than 3 km and 50 kg/m3, respectively, but they reach to more significant values under Gulf of Mexico, Chile, Eastern Mediterranean, Timor sea and parts of polar regions. Comparing the Moho depths estimated by KTH15C and those derived by KTH11C, GEMMA2012C, CRUST1.0, KTH14C, CRUST14 and GEMMA1.0 models shows that KTH15C agree fairly well with CRUST1.0 but rather poor with other models. The Moho density contrasts estimated by KTH15C and those of the KTH11C, KTH14C and VMM model agree to 112, 31 and 61 kg/m3 in RMS. The regional numerical studies show that the RMS differences between KTH15C and Moho depths from seismic information yields fits of 2 to 4 km in South and North America, Africa, Europe, Asia, Australia and Antarctica, respectively.

  • 15.
    Abrehdary, Majid
    et al.
    Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
    Sjöberg, Lars E.
    Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
    Bagherbandi, Mohammad
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS. Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
    Combined Moho parameters determination using CRUST1.0 and Vening Meinesz-Moritz model2015In: Journal of Earth Science, ISSN 1674-487X, E-ISSN 1867-111X, Vol. 26, no 4, p. 607-616Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    According to Vening Meinesz-Moritz (VMM) global inverse isostatic problem, either the Moho density contrast (crust-mantle density contrast) or the Moho geometry can be estimated by solving a non-linear Fredholm integral equation of the first kind. Here solutions to the two Moho parameters are presented by combining the global geopotential model (GOCO-03S), topography (DTM2006) and a seismic crust model, the latter being the recent digital global crustal model (CRUST1.0) with a resolution of 1A(0)x1A(0). The numerical results show that the estimated Moho density contrast varies from 21 to 637 kg/m(3), with a global average of 321 kg/m(3), and the estimated Moho depth varies from 6 to 86 km with a global average of 24 km. Comparing the Moho density contrasts estimated using our leastsquares method and those derived by the CRUST1.0, CRUST2.0, and PREM models shows that our estimate agrees fairly well with CRUST1.0 model and rather poor with other models. The estimated Moho depths by our least-squares method and the CRUST1.0 model agree to 4.8 km in RMS and with the GEMMA1.0 based model to 6.3 km.

  • 16.
    Abrehdary, Majid
    et al.
    Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
    Sjöberg, Lars E.
    Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
    Bagherbandi, Mohammad
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS. Division of Geodesy and Satellite Positioning, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
    The spherical terrain correction and its effect on the gravimetric-isostatic Moho determination2016In: International Journal of Geophysics, ISSN 1687-885X, E-ISSN 1687-8868, Vol. 204, no 1, p. 262-273Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this study, the Moho depth is estimated based on the refined spherical Bouguer gravity disturbance and DTM2006 topographic data using the Vening Meinesz-Moritz gravimetric-isostatic hypothesis. In this context, we compute the refined spherical Bouguer gravity disturbances in a set of 1° × 1° blocks. The spherical terrain correction, a residual correction to each Bouguer shell, is computed using rock heights and ice sheet thicknesses from the DTM2006 and Earth2014 models. The study illustrates that the defined simple Bouguer gravity disturbance corrected for the density variations of the oceans, ice sheets and sediment basins and also the non-isostatic effects needs a significant terrain correction to become the refined Bouguer gravity disturbance, and that the isostatic gravity disturbance is significantly better defined by the latter disturbance plus a compensation attraction. Our study shows that despite the fact that the lateral variation of the crustal depth is rather smooth, the terrain affects the result most significantly in many areas. The global numerical results show that the estimated Moho depths by the simple and refined spherical Bouguer gravity disturbances and the seismic CRUST1.0 model agree to 5.6 and 2.7 km in RMS, respectively. Also, the mean value differences are 1.7 and 0.2 km, respectively. Two regional numerical studies show that the RMS differences between the Moho depths estimated based on the simple and refined spherical Bouguer gravity disturbance and that using CRUST1.0 model yield fits of 4.9 and 3.2 km in South America and yield 3.2 and 3.4 km in Fennoscandia, respectively.

  • 17.
    Abugessaisa, Imad
    et al.
    Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet.
    Östman, Anders
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Urban and regional planning/GIS-institute.
    Testing-SDI: E-government Prospective, Requirements, and Challenges2011In: International Journal of Public Information Systems, ISSN 1653-4360, Vol. 2011, no 1, p. 11-47Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Spatial Data Infrastructure denotes the collection of technologies, policies and institutional arrangements that facilitate the availability of and access to spatial information. During the last few years the development of spatial data infrastructure in Sweden has been influenced by two actions. The first was the European Directive in spatial data infrastructure namely Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE), and the second action was the Swedish parliament's directive early in 2008 on e-Government. In a modern society, spatial data play major roles and have different applications such as information support during disaster prevention and management. These two milestones involving Geodata development have created huge demands and represent great challenges for researchers in the area of spatial data infrastructure. One of these challenges concerned the methodologies involved for testing proposed data specifications from INSPIRE. This paper addresses the above challenge and introduces a framework for testing Geodata. The testing of Geodata includes, the testing of the data specifications for different geographical themes and data structure, the performance testing of Opengeospatial Web Services (OWS) and the usability of Geoportals and services. The proposed methods were evaluated during a pilot test for a regional geoportal in Sweden, and the reported results in this paper show the feasibility and applicability of the methods used. The methods used assisted in the identification of the performance related defects and the bottleneck involved in relation to the response time, stress and load. The methods support the detection of different types of errors that occur during the testing time such as http error, timeout error, and socket error. During the pilot test of a geoportal, it was discovered that the response time was 30 seconds which is 6 times higher than the INSPIRE required time (Maximum 5 second), with 500 virtual users accessing the system and performing a specific task. A usability test was conducted which focused on the users' acceptance and the “think aloud” methods. The usability testing enabled the identification of user-interface related problems and the results were quantified to enable comparisons to be made with current results and those from the new test.

  • 18.
    Agbauduta, Stephen Ogba
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    SPATIAL MCDA FOR FINDING SUITABLE AREAS FOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTION2013Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Demand for residential houses in urban areas has become a major problem facing town planners today. With the high increase in urbanization due to the increase in population, residential houses are becoming more difficult to find. Planners aim at developing new ideas to combat the high increase in the demand for residential buildings. In recent times, different methods of analysis have been introduced that will help planners select best locations to erect residential houses.

    A Geographic information system (GIS) is one of the tools for analyzing and storing a great deal of information. Over the years, GIS technology has been introduced into planning and the result has been of great help to urban planners in planning sustainable environment for residents. This research aims at using GIS technology and multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to determine possible locations to build residential houses and analyzing different methods of selecting suitability areas within the study area. An MCDA map was produced from the combination of different factors and constraint which include elevation, orientation of the building (direction), the soil type and land use type. Proximity analysis was also done to find out how infrastructures (existing roads, shopping malls and health care enter) are close to the study area. Results show that the southern, eastern, and a part of western side of the study area is better to build residential houses than other areas.

    Three different methods (visual interpretation method, seeding method and neighborhood method) where used to find out which method produces the most suitable locations within the study area. In order to calculate the suitability areas and suitability values, the sum of pixel values were calculated for each method. The visual interpretation method servers as a standard method of deciding the suitability area covers 15,375 m² and has the highest suitability values of about 500 pixels. The seeding method was used as an automatic method for selecting the suitability area; result shows that the suitability area covers 17,421 m² and has the highest suitability value of about 1200 pixels. The neighborhood method was calculated using two different statistics (mean statistics and majority statistics). The mean statistics covers an area of 12,439 m² while the majority statistics covers an area of 14,332 m². From analysis carried out, the seeding method is preferred for selecting suitability areas than the visual interpretation method and the neighborhood method but the visual interpretation method covers more suitability area than the seeding method and neighborhood method.

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    Agbauduta Ogba
  • 19.
    Agborsangaya, Etchu Oben
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Omoregie, Iyobosa Frank
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Does Culture Influence Decision Making in Project Teams?: A Multi Case Study in Sweden2016Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose: In the contemporary society in which companies operate there is increasing interest in understanding the effects and changes of culture on projects in connection to decision making. This is evident of the fact that most companies are using groups or teams composed of mixed culture to perform their tasks and develop their activities into different geographical regions by adopting project management as a “way of working” other than a tool or technique. The objective of this study is to explore the cultural influence decision making in project teams through a multi case study of applying Hofstede’s dimensions of culture model to selected Swedish firms. 

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  • 20.
    Agostini, Lara
    et al.
    University of Padova, Italy.
    Bengtsson, Lars
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Lazzarotti, Valentina
    Carlo Cattaneo University LIUC, Italy.
    Manzini, Raffaella
    Carlo Cattaneo University LIUC, Italy.
    Nosella, Anna
    University of Padova, Italy.
    Pellegrini, Luisa
    Stefan, Ioana
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Combining an external with an internal perspective on open innovation with scientific partners and patenting2017In: 18th International CINet Conference: Digitalization and innovation: designing the organization of the future, 2017Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 21.
    Agostini, Lara
    et al.
    University of Padova, Italy.
    Bengtsson, Lars
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Lazzarotti, Valentina
    Carlo Cattaneo University LIUC, Italy.
    Manzini, Raffaella
    Carlo Cattaneo University LIUC, Italy.
    Nosella, Anna
    University of Padova, Italy.
    Stefan, Ioana
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Industrial economics. University of Gävle, Center for Logistics and Innovative Production.
    Open innovation with scientific partners and patenting: the moderating role of the internal context for innovation2017In: Proceedings of IFKAD 2017: Knowledge Management in the 21st Century: Resilience, Creativity and Co-creation, 2017Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 22.
    Ahlmén, Caroline
    University of Gävle. University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Hemligheten bakom populära animerade karaktärer2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Vad gör en framgångsrik animerad karaktär? Homer Simpson, Svampbob Fyrkant och Eric Cartman kommer att analyseras och jämföras för att hitta vad som gör just dem så populära. Därefter kommer de psykologiska aspekterna att granskas. Varför tilltalar dessa karaktärer människor? Riktlinjer för hur man skapar en populär animerad karaktär kommer att utvecklas utifrån resultatet av utredningen.

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  • 23.
    Ahlström, André
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Åström, Albin
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Onyttiga vägsamfälligheter: En analys och beskrivning av åtgärder2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Onyttiga vägsamfälligheter är ett problem som uppstått under äldre tiders fastighetsbildning och är idag en olägenhet för lantmätare och fastighetsägare i många förrättningsärenden. Detta arbete har syftat till att studera de metoder för utplåning av onyttiga vägsamfälligheter för att slutligen ge förslag på möjliga lösningar. Studier har gjorts av en utredning, en proposition, förrättningsakter och rättsfall med fokus på städning av fastighetsindelningen. De förrättningsakter som studerats innehåller fastighetsregleringsåtgärder som verkar för utplåning av onyttiga samfälligheter och sanering av fastighetsindelningen. Förrättningarna innefattade ett eller flera större områden med ett stort antal fastigheter. Rättsfallen som inkluderades i arbetet rörde samfälligheter och handlade om överklagan på saneringsåtgärder med ersättning och äganderätt i fokus. Utöver detta har ett exempel från Finland studerats, där utplåning av vägsamfälligheter utfördes 1977 genom lagstiftning. Den finska lagstiftningen för utplåning av vägsamfälligheter blev till stor del inte en förbättring utan försköt problemet genom att en stor mängd servitut bildades utan kontroll. I längden blev det svårt att hantera de uppkomna rättigheterna och en städningsåtgärd infördes i finsk lag för att rätta till problemen. Det svenska lagförslaget för utplåning av samfälligheter i Sverige från 1983 liknar lagen i Finland men antogs senare inte då det hade inneburit liknande problem. Ett antal ändringar i svenska fastighetsbildningslagen, som Proposition 1988/89:77 tar upp, infördes dock. Exempelvis medförde en ändring att någon ersättning ej behövde fastställas för föreningsförvaltade samfälligheter med lågt värde. Effekterna detta har haft på reglerandet av onyttiga samfälligheter är okänt men eftersom problemet kvarstår efter 20 år får det förmodas att nya åtgärder måste göras. Våra slutsatser visar att onyttiga vägsamfälligheter kan åtgärdas delvis genom större inflytande från sakägare. Någon lösning på problemet är dem däremot inte. Slutsatserna innehåller även förslag på vad en ny lag bör innehålla, med tidigare förslag som förebild. Framtida kostnader ett sådant lagförslag ger upphov till är troligtvis höga men vi hoppas att vissa ändringar från tidigare förslag kan reducera dessa.

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  • 24.
    Ahmed, Mohamed
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Maxamed, Maxamed
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Modell för beslutsfattande avseende hållbar logistik: I både tjänsteföretag och tillverkningsföretag2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    In any successful business, it is important to establish a dedicated management with the ability to make critical and sustainable decisions. Policy makers are a major and perhaps the biggest factor in a company and usually it is the managers who are also decision-makers. There are a number of aspects to keep in mind in order to make as appropriate decisions as possible, which can be anything from personality traits to how market analytic decision-maker is.

    The purpose of this thesis is to develop a model for decision-making on sustainable logistics, in both manufacturing companies and service companies in Sweden. Literature studies and interviews are conducted in order to answer the purpose. Through the literary study, significant factors can be found, for example crisis management and trust, prejudice and character traits.

    This work’s empirical material is based on interviews in four different organizations regarding their decision making and their approach to sustainable logistics. These organizations are both service and manufacturing companies, which gives the work a breadth and generalizability.

    The identified factors that are developed through the case studies include emotionality and rationality, trust, and transparency. Several factors in the literature are clearly consistent with the significant factors in the study result. The factors that both the service and manufacturing companies have in mind when making decisions regarding sustainable logistics are presented in the results. The conclusion of this study is a model that visualizes the factors one should keep in mind when making decisions regarding sustainable logistics. These factors are trust, supplier selection, unity, facts, transparency and empathy. Based on these factors, any company with a dedication and commitment to long-term decision-making processes can make wise and effective assessments.

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    Modell för beslutsfattande avseende hållbar logistik
  • 25.
    Ahnberg Åsenius, Elisabeth
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Lekmöjligheter och trafiksäkerhet för barn i stadsmiljöer: Fallstudie av centrala Falun2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Small children in the age around two to ten needs space to play and move around to be able to develop, and these needs should be considered in the spatial planning practice. Unfortunely there are signs that childrens need for places to play and move around have lost in priority in spatial planning practice in Sweden the last decades. For example research shows that childrens access to public places to play at in swedish citys is reduced. Also childrens possibilities to move around freely in swedish cities are continuously reduced due to increasing traffic. It has also been noted that fewer children walk or bicycle on there own to school and bicycling in the spare time has also been declining.   

    The aim of this study has been to exmine childrens possibilities to play and move around independently in urban environment. The study is restricted to a casestudy of the city-environment Falun-Centrum. That is an area of ca 2,5 km2 predefined by Falu kommun. It contains the city-center with shops, parks, roads, residential areas, kindergardens, schools etc. Information has been collected by a postal survey sent to guardians of 100 children (about 20 % of the total number in the area) that were older than one year and younger than eleven years during 2017 living in the casestudy-area.

    The results are based on 53 answers; 39 answers to the postal survey and 14 answers to additional interwievs over telephone. The answers show that in Falun-Centrum the respondents experience that their children have quite good access to places to play at in their vicinity. Field inventory of the places showed that many of the places were spacious enough to allow vast playing and had green and varied terrain, which is good. Though, the results about the safety aspects in traffic shows that there are a lot of traffic hazards that prevent the children to move around independently in the area.

    In summary it means that the children in general have good places to play at in there vicinity (although there are exeptions), but that they can not go there on their own due to traffic hazards. The lack of traffic safety also means that the conditions for them to go to, explore and get to know new places in their surroundings are severely limited. In the long run it limits the development of their geographichal imagination of their urban surroundings. It also limits their opporunities to meet, get to know and understand other persons in the city. In the long run it inhibits the urban social sustainability.

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  • 26.
    Ahonen-Jonnarth, Ulla
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Computer science.
    Odelstad, Jan
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Computer science.
    Simulation as a tool for the evaluation of forest management treatments2010In: ESM'2010 - The 2010 European Simulation and Modelling Conference / [ed] Gerrit K. Janssens, Katrien Ramaekers and An Caris, Ghent: EUROSIS-ETI , 2010, p. 426-433Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Cleaning of young forest stands is a multicriteria problem with conflicting goals. This kind of forest management treatment is performed by human beings but it is possible that this work may be performed by artificial agents in the future. The artificial agents need detailed information about how to clean a forest stand and/or what are the goals for cleaning. One problem in development of cleaning rules for artificial cleaning agents is that explicit knowledge about good cleaning results is not detailed. In this paper we present a tool for developing and testing rules and judging evaluation functions for cleaning. We illustrate this tool by presenting examples of some ways to clean forest stands in a computer environment and we present how the cleaning results can be evaluated. In order to obtain material for experiments it is also possible to simulate forest stands using this tool.

  • 27.
    Ali, Fadi
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Urban classification by pixel and object-based approaches for very high resolution imagery2015Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Recently, there is a tremendous amount of high resolution imagery that wasn’t available years ago, mainly because of the advancement of the technology in capturing such images. Most of the very high resolution (VHR) imagery comes in three bands only the red, green and blue (RGB), whereas, the importance of using such imagery in remote sensing studies has been only considered lately, despite that, there are no enough studies examining the usefulness of these imagery in urban applications. This research proposes a method to investigate high resolution imagery to analyse an urban area using UAV imagery for land use and land cover classification. Remote sensing imagery comes in various characteristics and format from different sources, most commonly from satellite and airborne platforms. Recently, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have become a very good potential source to collect geographic data with new unique properties, most important asset is the VHR of spatiotemporal data structure. UAV systems are as a promising technology that will advance not only remote sensing but GIScience as well. UAVs imagery has been gaining popularity in the last decade for various remote sensing and GIS applications in general, and particularly in image analysis and classification. One of the concerns of UAV imagery is finding an optimal approach to classify UAV imagery which is usually hard to define, because many variables are involved in the process such as the properties of the image source and purpose of the classification. The main objective of this research is evaluating land use / land cover (LULC) classification for urban areas, whereas the data of the study area consists of VHR imagery of RGB bands collected by a basic, off-shelf and simple UAV. LULC classification was conducted by pixel and object-based approaches, where supervised algorithms were used for both approaches to classify the image. In pixel-based image analysis, three different algorithms were used to create a final classified map, where one algorithm was used in the object-based image analysis. The study also tested the effectiveness of object-based approach instead of pixel-based in order to minimize the difficulty in classifying mixed pixels in VHR imagery, while identifying all possible classes in the scene and maintain the high accuracy. Both approaches were applied to a UAV image with three spectral bands (red, green and blue), in addition to a DEM layer that was added later to the image as ancillary data. Previous studies of comparing pixel-based and object-based classification approaches claims that object-based had produced better results of classes for VHR imagery. Meanwhile several trade-offs are being made when selecting a classification approach that varies from different perspectives and factors such as time cost, trial and error, and subjectivity.

          Classification based on pixels was approached in this study through supervised learning algorithms, where the classification process included all necessary steps such as selecting representative training samples and creating a spectral signature file. The process in object-based classification included segmenting the UAV’s imagery and creating class rules by using feature extraction. In addition, the incorporation of hue, saturation and intensity (IHS) colour domain and Principle Component Analysis (PCA) layers were tested to evaluate the ability of such method to produce better results of classes for simple UAVs imagery. These UAVs are usually equipped with only RGB colour sensors, where combining more derived colour bands such as IHS has been proven useful in prior studies for object-based image analysis (OBIA) of UAV’s imagery, however, incorporating the IHS domain and PCA layers in this research did not provide much better classes. For the pixel-based classification approach, it was found that Maximum Likelihood algorithm performs better for VHR of UAV imagery than the other two algorithms, the Minimum Distance and Mahalanobis Distance. The difference in the overall accuracy for all algorithms in the pixel-based approach was obvious, where the values for Maximum Likelihood, Minimum Distance and Mahalanobis Distance were respectively as 86%, 80% and 76%. The Average Precision (AP) measure was calculated to compare between the pixel and object-based approaches, the result was higher in the object-based approach when applied for the buildings class, the AP measure for object-based classification was 0.9621 and 0.9152 for pixel-based classification. The results revealed that pixel-based classification is still effective and can be applicable for UAV imagery, however, the object-based classification that was done by the Nearest Neighbour algorithm has produced more appealing classes with higher accuracy. Also, it was concluded that OBIA has more power for extracting geographic information and easier integration within the GIS, whereas the result of this research is estimated to be applicable for classifying UAV’s imagery used for LULC applications.

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  • 28.
    Alikhani, Mohammad
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    A GIS-based crowdsourcing iPhone Application to Report Necessities, Civic Issues, and Public Events2011Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Civic issues in a society can be reported through a crowdsourcing web application. People can download the application on their smartphones and report the issues such as a pothole or broken streetlight. The report is submitted by taking a photo of the issue and additional information is entered. At first, the reports are submitted to a call center and after analyzing they will be transferred to organizations responsible for this type of events. In such a crowdsourcing project it is very vital to motivate people to participate in the project. The reports are supplied by users and without an acceptable number of users the application would be useless. In addition, having the exact location of a report is very helpful to facilitate the process of solving civic issues. Positioning with smartphones is not very accurate as they do not have strong and accurate GPSs. Therefore, there is a need to improve the accuracy of the positioning process and consequently accuracy of the spatial data. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how to employ GIS to help reporting civic issues and how to design an interesting client interface for such an application, in order to motivate user to download and use it. The goal is also to find out shortcomings and weaknesses of the positioning with smartphones and find a way to improve its accuracy.Some of successful similar applications’ structures and their interfaces were reviewed. In addition, a survey among existing users of crowdsourcing applications has been done in order to find out how to design the application to be interesting for users. Furthermore, some techniques and methods were chosen in order to improve the GPS accuracy especially in the places with a low GPS signal strength. These methods exploit WLAN and some of embedded features in a smartphone such as microphone, camera, accelerometer, gyroscope to improve the positioning accuracy. In the end, along reporting civic issues the user is able to report and get information about cheap and appropriate necessities and public events in different geographical areas through a map-based application. Furthermore, he or she is benefited by some location-based services such as online-food or taxi. The client application’s interface was designed for iPhone.This GIS-based mobile application would be an appropriate alternative for the old reporting methods like phone call or mail. Nevertheless, reporting civic issues itself, cannot be necessarily a strong motivation to attract the user to download and use the application. Therefore, desired feedbacks of the crowd need to be found out in order to encourage them to spend their time for the application. User needs to get motivated to use the application and considered additional parts can be very helpful to reach this aim.

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  • 29.
    Alinazari, Shabnam
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Alvinder, Catrin
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    I barn och ungas ögonhöjd: En checklista från barn till plan för detaljplanering2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det demokratiska samhället med värderingar om allas lika rätt till inflytande har med Förenta Nationernas barnkonvention lyft frågan om barns rätt att påverka den fysiska planeringen (UNICEF, 2009). Plan- och bygglagen (PBL) gör ingen skillnad på barn eller vuxna vilket innebär att de ska ses som jämlika medborgare inom samhällsbyggnadsprocesser (SFS, 2010:900). Detta utgör den lagbestämda grunden till varför barn, precis som vuxna, ska ha samma rätt att påverka beslut som rör deras närmiljö. En barnchecklista kan tydliggöra att ett barnperspektiv tillämpas inom planeringsprocesser och frågorna utgår vanligen från vuxnas tolkningar av vad som bör innefattas (Boverket, 2000). Denna studie har uppmärksammat den brist på medverkan av barn och unga som ofta finns i planeringssammanhang och det finns därigenom utrymme för förbättringar. Studien har därför valt att fokusera på att få barnens röster hörda genom att undersöka vilka faktorer i miljön som är viktiga för dem. Detta har legat som grund till att utarbeta en ny checklista där deras värderingar varit grundläggande för frågornas utformande. För att uppnå detta anordnades workshops och enkätundersökningar med grupper av barn från lågstadiet upp till gymnasiet. Eftersom åldersspannen varierade mellan 9-18 år anpassades metoderna efter deras kognitiva förmåga.

    Resultatet från studien visade att barnen ansåg att det fanns flera faktorer i miljön som påverkar deras subjektiva upplevelse. Detta innefattade bland annat hur byggnader med dess utbredning och placering påverkar dem men även hur viktigt det är med bra gång- och cykelvägar för att främja för deras rörelsefrihet. Det betonades även hur bevarandevärden där exempelvis en enkel kulle för pulkaåkning eller en skogsdunge att busa i var viktigt att inte planera bort. Det slutgiltiga resultatet blev checklistan: Från barn till plan. Den är tänkt att fungera som ett arbetsverktyg med öppna frågor, vilket ger planeraren utrymme att belysa barnperspektivets tillämpning inom detaljplanering. Resultatet visade även på stor kunskap, intresse och medvetenhet hos barn och unga gällande den byggda miljön. De bör därför ses som självständiga kompetenta individer inom samhällsplanering med röster värda att höras.

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  • 30.
    Altabba, Abdulrahman
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Karlsson, Lina
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    A framework for implementing the VMI model in an MRO partnership2016Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to investigate the feasibility of implementing the Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI) model in an MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations) partnership, and highlight its potential economic, environmental, and organizational benefits, as well as limitations.

    Approach - First, a comprehensive literature review was conducted on fields relevant to VMI. Second, empirical data was gathered from a single exploratory case study with Momentum Industrial, and its customer Stora Enso. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from the case companies.

    Findings - Results suggest that VMI results in benefits for the supply chain in general, such as reduced administration and inventory costs, improved service levels, reduced information distortion, and improved relationship among partners. For the particular case of VMI in an MRO partnership, improved service levels can be obtained by a reduced risk of production downtime for the customer. Moreover, the implementation of VMI has potential environmental benefits, such as reduced paper use, and higher transportation fill rate. Limitations of implementing VMI include the difficulty in system integration, and information sharing. Trust could be a potential issue that limits information sharing amongst supply chain partners. Moreover, the difference in organizational cultures and policies of partners should be taken into consideration.

    Limitations - The study is limited to opinions from one MRO customer in the paper and packaging industry. Even though the questions asked to informants in Momentum and Stora Enso tackled benefits to MRO customers in general, a broader image could have been achieved by interviewing customers from different industries. Moreover, the case companies do not currently adopt VMI in their partnership, so the case study results are based on what they think would be the potential benefits and limitations of implementing VMI in an MRO partnership.

    Practical Implications - This paper can serve as a guideline for logistics managers who are considering VMI in an MRO partnership specifically, as it provides them with the benefits and limitations associated with VMI. More generally, any company considering VMI can also benefit from the theoretical framework presented.

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    Altabba, A. & Karlsson, L (2016)
  • 31.
    Ameen, Havar
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Sabra, Zakaria
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Moderna processutvecklingsverktyg för organisationer2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna C-uppsats ämnar att studera prioriteringar hos användare i ett system för processutveckling, med syftet att skapa underlag för en omarbetad implementation. I vissa organisationer handlar det om att öka utnyttjandegraden av investerade resurser, och en sådan plattform ger en bättre kontroll över vilka delar i ett system som påverkas av processförändringar. Underlaget för den konkreta implementation bestod till stor del av resultaten från en enkätstudie, där slutanvändare av ett existerande prototypsystem fick dela med sig av sina synpunkter. Resultatet från studien kombinerades också med relevanta vetenskapliga artiklar och litteraturstudier för att skapa underlag för modellen för den nya plattformen. En stor faktor som påvisades utifrån studien är behovet av tillgänglighet. Detta innefattar bl.a. tydligare relationer mellan entiteter, koncis presentation av data och snabbare informationsåtkomst. Modellen som skapats representerar ett system där fokus på ett dynamiskt och responsivt gränssnitt i kombination med tillgänglighet och logiska arbetsflöden utgör plattformen.

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    Moderna processutvecklingsverktyg för organisationer
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    Rådata för enkätstudien
  • 32.
    Amin, Ahmed Angelus
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Morales, Federico
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Positionering och tid som faktorer i mobilanpassade enkäter: En kontextmedveten prototyp2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Det finns ett ökat problem med att färre personer väljer att delta i enkätundersökningar, både vad gäller webbenkäter och traditionella postenkäter. En möjlig lösning på problemet skulle kunna vara att ta tillvara på det faktum att det blir allt vanligare att personer väljer att använda sig av mobila enheter för att lösa vardagssysslor. Kanske kan man bättre använda sig av den tekniska utvecklingen och samhällsutvecklingen som allt mer går över till digitala lösningar och på så sätt bidra till ett ökat deltagande i enkäter. Denna uppsats har undersökt om det är möjligt att använda tekniken kontextmedvetenhet för att skapa mobilanpassade enkäter. Detta genom att tillverka en prototyp av en mobilapplikation som kan skicka frågor till smartphones beroende på dess position. Det är möjligt genom mobila enheters egna GPS-mottagare. Enligt den utvärdering som utförts finns det tecken på att användaren upplever det lättare att svara på frågor genom denna prototyp än deras tidigare upplevelser. Dessutom visar resultatet att funktionerna i vår kontextmedvetna prototyp fungerar så som önskat.

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  • 33.
    Amundsen, Nicklas
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    The Possibilities and Limitations of Teaching Through Multi User Virtual Environments2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The use of computers has grown immensely in the last decades and the possibility to teach through them has grown as well. Various computer applications, games and forums have been created as tools of teaching and learning. This research project contains a summary of various works created within the E-learning area and their results. The virtual world Second Life is tested and some of the research in the literature review will be visited and examined. The research focuses on the feasibility to create scenarios for nursing students to practice patient care and handling, in addition to collaborative qualities that online virtual worlds offer. The conclusion taken from this research is that the possibilities far outweigh the limitations and that learning through virtual worlds should be further explored and developed.

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    The Possibilities and Limitations of Teaching Trough Multi User Virtual Environments
  • 34.
    Andersmats, Edvin
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Tapper, Dennis
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Team Foundation Server 2010: En utvärdering av mätetal för projektkvalitet2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    På Trafikverkets centrala funktion IT används Team Foundation Server 2010 för projekthantering. Utifrån detta system det är det möjligt att få fram mätetal som visar information om olika projekt. I denna fallstudie undersöks, med hjälp av intervjuer, vilka av dessa mätetal som kan användas för att visa en relevant bild av kvaliteten på ett systemutvecklingsprojekt. En modell presenteras för hur olika mätetal skulle kunna vägas samman för att fungera som en siffra på ett projekts kvalitet/hälsa. Till sist utvärderas om mätetal från TFS är tillräckliga för att ge en bra bild av kvaliteten på ett systemutvecklings-projekt. Studien kommer fram till att en sammanvägning är möjlig, men kan vara omfattande. Den visar även att mätetal från TFS är tillräckliga för att ge en övergripande bild av ett projekts hälsa.

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  • 35.
    Andersson, Daniel
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Färdigställande av Sveriges digitala förrättningsarkiv: Effekter av skanning av äldre gällande förrättningsakter2018Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    When the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, Lantmäteriet, first digitised their archived cadastral procedures into the digital archive Arken, the aim was to create a national digital archive for cadastral procedures. Lantmäteriet now have their cadastral procedures digitised in Arken. Some municipalities still have their older analogue cadastral procedures from 1972 and before archived in the office of their local authority. For the cadastral procedure, this means the land surveyor is bound to contact the local authority to reach all information needed for the procedure.

    A digitisation of the remaining older cadastral procedures may improve their availability and make todays cadastral procedure more effective and manageable for Lantmäteriet. This also applies to other users of these older archived documents. This dissertation aims to answer the following questions: 1) How may cadastral procedures become more effective and 2) become more legally certain through a digitisation of the analogue archives? 3) Which impact may a digitisation of these older archives have on the real property market and the Swedish municipalities? The research questions were answered through inventory of cadastral procedures and personal interviews with local authorities and other actors, experienced of or influenced by these matters. The inventory helped answering the amount of work remaining in digitising these archives. The interviews answered which impact a digitisation of the material would have on different users of the information. Interviews were also used together to investigate both the legal certainty of cadastral procedures and the quality of the Swedish land registry.

    The result of the dissertation shows which impact a digitisation would have on different users of the information. The most common effect of digitisation was effectiveness in different aspects, such as timesaving and cost-effectiveness along with legal certainty. Conclusions from the dissertation are: all interviewed users of the older cadastral procedures are positive to a digitisation of the material. More effort in time and finance from the different Swedish local authorities and Lantmäteriet is needed and strongly recommended.

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  • 36.
    Andersson, Elisabeth
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Maria, Reineck
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Betydande faktorer för effektiva specialtransporter2015Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    To be competitive in the market, companies need to find and use available resources for improvements. Transport is a source to cost-effective and customer accessible logistics system. Both internal and externals transports are important to focus on when processes are optimized in order to obtain lower costs. The main logistics cost in many companies constitutes of transports.


    This case study has been conducted in an industrial company. This study intends to make the transports more effective, through better customer service and reduced costs. The transports that have been studied are not directly linked to the production. When a transport is needed an order is made by telephone.


    The purpose of the study is to identify significant factors for effective special transports. The factors form a foundation for recommendations to the case company in the future work to have more effective special transports. To answer the purpose literature studies, observations, data analysis, interviews and benchmarking have been carried out. Some significant factors for effective special transports are information, effective logistics and standardization. Some identified waste in the case company is lack of communication and information and the utilization of resources. The significant factors have a correspondence with the identified waste.

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  • 37.
    Andersson, Fredrik
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Applikationsutveckling för Android2012Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Detta projekt handlar om ett applikationsutvecklingsprojekt för Androidplattformen vilket innefattar Androids uppbyggnad, Javaprogrammering, design i XML miljö, grunder i Eclipse samt publicering på Google Play (före detta Android market). Projektet resulterar i en Androidapplikation i form av ett enkelt Pongspel med olika funktioner som highscorelista samt att uppsatsen beskriver det man behöver kunna för att utveckla applikationer för Android.

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  • 38.
    Andersson, Fredrik
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Utveckling av GIS-applikation för effektivisering av planeringsarbeten för infrastruktur2015Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Planeringsarbeten för infrastruktur sker ofta med hjälp av speciella programvaror som CAD för att skapa ritningar på kartor över områden där tänkta infrastrukturer skall utvecklas. Som en effektivisering för dessa arbeten handlar denna studie om implementering av en GIS-applikation för att motivera fördelar med GIS och sättet för hantering samt visualisering av geografisk information. En webbapplikation som hanterar baskartor samt överliggande vektorlager för infrastruktur utvecklas, samt även att samma kartdata över infrastrukturen kopplas till en mobilapplikation för att effektivisera eventuella inventeringsarbeten av infrastrukur med hjälp av GPS för att kunna positionera infrastruktur på ett bra sätt. Tekniken bakom utvecklingen bygger på HTML, CSS och JavaScript samt molntjänstlagrin av infrastruktursdata i en geodatabas . GIS-applikationen sammanställer svar på frågor som bevisar hur GIS på ett tillfredställande sätt mycket väl skulle kunna implementeras och användas praktiskt i ett utvecklingsarbete för infrastruktur i dagens morderna samhälle. 

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  • 39.
    Andersson, Helena
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Åhsberg, Mela
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Debiteringsmodell för interna transporter: Hur en debiteringsmodell kan förändra beställningsbeteende och sänka kostnader2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Transfer pricing is the price of goods or services supplied between units within a larger company. It turns out that transfer prices can make it possible for a company to be more effective and direct the company towards the common targets. A payment model can be used to connect internal charging for a completed delivery, where a written request is sent electronically to the customer with information about the amount and in which account the money should be placed. The specified price is based either on the basis of a price list that is updated continuously, or calculated immediately after a completed delivery. By using the service levels in a payment model the ordering behavior in the internal logistics can be changed if a manager makes the workers aware of how their choices affect the production unit's finances.


    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether a payment model for internal transport can change ordering behaviors and reduce costs for internal logistics. The purpose has been filled by performing a literature review on the subject which has been conducted on a case company where the internal ordering behavior and the current payment model have been studied. After examining and documenting of the current situation on the case company, a new payment model has been developed. The new payment model consists of hard and soft factors, where the factors are strongly linked with each other and are important to change unwanted behaviors.


    The result of the survey shows that a payment model alone cannot change unwanted ordering behavior. Unwanted ordering behavior can only be changed with the combination of service levels and strong leadership.  The target is to make workers aware that the choice of service level affects the final price of an order. It can only happen if managers motivate the workers to choose a service level that can reduce production unit ordering costs. It is however important to note that the payment model itself must be supported by a strong leadership that promotes a change and that workers receive training in how the payment model works and knowledge of what management's view of the model is.


    With this background, this study aims to solve both the case company’s practical problems with internal transport costs and increasing knowledge about payment models and how these can be used to change unwanted behaviors.

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  • 40.
    Andersson, Jacob
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Norbäck, Markus
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Lokalisering av nya bostadsområden i översiktlig planering: En rumslig multikriterieanalys över Gävle2017Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Urbanization combined with toxic emissions from motor traffic calls forhigher demands when house planning in cities. The purpose of this study is toincrease understanding about how to apply multi criteria analyses whenmaster planning to contribute to a more sustainable society. A more effectivehouse planning connected to existing societal functions might add to the usageof more sustainable transportation alternatives rather than that of cars.

    Using the input from interviews with representatives from both the privateand the public sector, a number of criterias have been developed for theanalysis. Considering existing societal functions, this study was intended toidentify new areas for housing development using a multi criterial analysis.This might contribute to more sustainable transportation because of thedistance to the societal functions. In addition to this, the intention extended tothe investigation of how political interests differs from one another, using aranking system based on the developed criterias.

    The results show that representatives from the two largest political parties in asmall town in Sweden rank the criterias different when it comes to whatsocietal functions a new housing area should have in close proximity. On theother hand, the end results show that the areas chosen for housingdevelopment have similar qualities, in spite of varying housing politics amongthe politicians. This study might contribute to a more effective politicalhandling of business, since political differences does not ultimately showdifferences in where activities or objects should be placed.

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  • 41.
    Andersson, Johan
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Hiller, Thomas
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Mobile Learning för elever med läs- och skrivsvårigheter2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna utredning visar att förekomsten av mobilapplikationer specifikt riktade till dyslektiker är i det närmaste obefintlig. Dessutom är forskningen på området M-Learning mest inriktad på integrerade M-Learning-system och inte på enskilda applikationer. M-Learning (mobilt lärande) är ett forskningsområde som kan sägas vara en vidareutveckling av E-Learning. Detta är ett växande forskningsområde och med explosionen av smarta telefoner och surfplattor bör för- och nackdelarna med  M-Learning kunna utnyttjas i större utsträckning. På uppdrag av Gävle kommun och med handledning av Sogeti har en prototyp mobilapplikation för elever med dyslexi utvecklats för Android-plattformen. Prototypen som framtagits visar att en mobilapplikation för elever med dyslexi med fördel kan utnyttja mobila enheters multimodalitet.

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  • 42.
    Andersson, Jonas
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Hedlund, Patrik
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Undersökning om handhållna laserskannrar vid detaljmätning: En jämförelse mellan multistationen Leica Nova MS50 och den handhållna laserskannern FARO Freestyle X2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Terrestrial laser scanners (TLS) have been common in geodetic measurements for over 10 years. The technology is developing rapidly and specialized instruments are launched constantly. One type of these specialized TLS instruments are hand-held laser scanners. They are designed primarily to generate point clouds of spaces and small objects where the traditional tripod mounted laser scanner has difficulties to scan. When the hand-held laser scanners are relatively new, the research on the instruments is limited, and the lack of standardized control methods. With that in mind it is important to study the instruments. In this thesis the hand-held laser scanner FARO Freestyle X was investigated on how well the handheld laser scanning technology really is and what limitations the instruments have. This was done by comparing point clouds from FARO Freestyle X with reference point cloud generated by Leica's multi-station MS50. To study the instrument a number of parameters was investigated such as scanning distance, ease of use, time and performance. These parameters were considered to be sufficient basis for conclusions about the instrument's advantages/disadvantages and limitations.

    The result of the point cloud comparison from the short distance showed deviations around 10 mm and then increase to few centimeters at longer distances. Volume limitation control showed no differences compared to the scanning from short distance. This means that moving the instrument does not affect the results significantly. The instrument's Achilles' heel is the noise that occurs when scanning from longer distances, about 30 mm deviations. Even the type of object affects the noise. The noise on the wall showed the greatest deviation while the noise on the table indicated the lowest results. The repeatability showed good results visually and had similar deviations. The instrument has a good ability to recreate objects when the resolution test demonstrates good performance. Main advantage of the instrument is its effective documentation of smaller objects, but also some larger areas where the uncertainty of centimeter-level is required. The ease of use can be described as good and the colored point clouds takes visualization to a new level. The results of the study show that the hand-held laser scanners can, potentially, challenge the traditional laser scanner.

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    Undersökning om handhållna laserskannrar vid detaljmätning
  • 43.
    Andersson, Linda
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Hedlund, Johanna
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Land management, GIS.
    Trivsam boendemiljö för studenter: En gestaltningsstudie utifrån studenters åsikter för ett trivsamt boende2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The physical environment is a very important component for human health.  A well-functioning site enables people to recreation and social life. People who spend a lot of time outdoor are also experiencing less stress. If people doesn’t give opportunity to influence the spatial planning process there is a risk of negative attitudes and discomfort. This can create a mental illness. This study deals with how students feel about their physical environment and how they want it to be designed. The study is aimed at students who live in one of the three different student areas in Gävle: Kungsbäck, Campus Sätra and Midgård. The study is based on three methods. These were: a questionnaire, an observation study, and a physical design study in 3D.


    The observations showed significant problems with the site design as only movement, who take into necessary but significant activity account. The observations showed a clear lack of both elective and social activities, both of which are important for a well-functioning place. The survey showed dissatisfaction about the site design among the students. Through this study, students were given an opportunity to share their wishes about the site's future design. The proposals were designed in 3D. Three different proposals were developed: a zero option, an economical option, and an expensive option. The zero option indicates a probable development of the area if no action takes place. The economical option indicates a solution that focus on economical sustainability. The expensive option has the highest costs both in construction and maintenance. The evaluation showed that the students liked the economical proposal option most.


    The result showed the importance of student participation in the planning process. Student comments through the survey and evaluation, indicated that: trees, venues, water, grass and lighting should be included in future planning frameworks for student housing.

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  • 44.
    Andersson, Martin
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Meriä, Markus
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Ruttoptimering i en georefererad mikrospatial miljö: ett GIS visualiserat i 3D2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    City models in 3D are a growing factor in GIS and it has been demonstrated that rescue times will be reduced for emergency services with the use of 3D GIS. The work presented in this thesis deals with network analysis in 2D and 3D and has been carried out on behalf of Gävle municipality. The task has been carried out with two main objectives. The first objective was to compare processing times for Dijkstra's search algorithm for networks (one smaller network based on the house of administration (förvaltningshuset) in Gävle and one overdimensioned network) in 3D and the corresponding ones in 2D in order to determine the difference. The second objective was to develop an application which allows 3D guidance for visitors from the reception to the required personnel; the resulting route is then obtained and visualized in a 3D model. The work has mainly been conducted with ESRI ArcGIS Desktop 10 and ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit 10. The programming has been carried out with C# in Visual Studio 2010. The application works by dynamically retrieving employee information from a table by using SQL-queries and individual routes are generated for each search. The analysis results for the process times show that there are no significant differences between the 2D and 3D networks. The conclusion to be drawn is that the process time is not a reason to opt out of a 3D environment for network analysis. In the future there is great potential for network analysis in 3D, especially in conjunction with 2D networks.

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  • 45.
    Andersson, Martin
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Olofsson, Marcus
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Methods for Freezing Time with Computer Graphics Imagery2010Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The most effective method to create an illusion of frozen time in film media was explored for this research. Starting with a description and evaluation of different methods of achieving the effect, this document describes the implementation of a specific technique for a particular project to test freezing time. It was also established to aid students in their understanding of the process in both pre- and post-production. After testing and researching, the method of filming still-posing actors with a high speed camera was chosen. However, the testing and pre-production phase demanded a large amount of time, therefore for the remainder of the project only one scene was established. For budget and time consuming purposes the two recommended techniques are; camera projection and filming still-posing actors with a high speed camera. The choice between these two methods mainly depends on the amount of camera movement.

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  • 46.
    Andersson, Martin
    et al.
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Sosa, Mario
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Sjöberg, Sören
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Mechanical Engineering.
    Olofsson, Ulf
    KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Effect of Assembly Errors in Back-to-Back Gear Efficiency Testing2015In: Power Transmission Engineeing, Vol. December, p. 72-77Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 47.
    Andersson, Mattias
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Stenberg, Catarina
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Effektivisering av interna transportsystem: Utformning av IT-stöd för fallföretag2016Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Att hantera den interna logistiken när marknaden är volatil och rörlig kan vara svårt. När avdelningar på företag inte kommunicerar eller delar information med varandra gör det att bistående företagsfunktioner, som interna transporter, får svårt att planera sina processer gentemot produktionsfabriker och marknaden, vilket kan leda till resursslöseri. För att underlätta arbetet och planeringen för den interna logistiken krävs att rätt teknik och förhållningssätt finns.

    Detta arbete tar fram en metodik som undersöker vilka faktorer som finns för att effektivisera den interna logistiken, samt hur ett IT-stöd för effektivisering kan utformas. Fallstudien avgränsas till interna transportsystem för de produktionsfabriker där sidlastare och grensletruckar utför transporter.

    Genom fallstudien på företaget visade det sig att de bristfälliga områdena var integrering och samarbete, kommunikation samt standardiserat arbetssätt. Detta försvårar arbetet med den interna logistiken och gör att företagsfunktionerna inte är synkroniserade i arbetet. Den bristfälliga informationsdelningen om framtida beläggningar och prognoser gör att planeringen av interna transporter mot produktionsenheterna inte fungerar önskvärt.

    I den teoretiska referensramen framgår att faktorer som påverkar effektiviteten av internlogistik är IT-stöd, arbetssätt och rutiner, planering och kommunikation samt resursutnyttjande. IT-stöd är något som kan hjälpa företag inom de bristfälliga områdena och vara en start till att integrera ett företags processer för att förbättra kommunikationen och informationsdelningen, som i sin tur ger bättre förutsättningar för att planera bistående företagsfunktioner till ett bättre resursutnyttjande.

    Genom metodiken för att effektivisera den interna logistiken påbörjas ett första steg av ett IT-stöd genom att en EXCEL-modell skapas som ett underlag för planeringsprocessen av interna transporter på fallföretaget. EXCEL-modellen skapas genom sammanförandet av historiska data från transportavdelningen och produktionsfabrikerna. Metodiken kan vidare användas för framtida undersökningar för effektivisering av den interna logistiken på företag.

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  • 48.
    Andersson, Niklas
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management, Mechanical Engineering.
    Modelling of metal removal rate in titanium alloy milling2018Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    Titanium is one of fourth most abundant structural metal in earths soil. It is in a composition with other elements, forming titanium alloys. These alloys are used in many different areas, such as medical, energy and sports, but is most commonly used in aerospace applications. Titanium alloys have different solid phases, α, α+β and β depending on temperature and the amount of α and β-stabilizers.When machining titanium alloys, one of the most important factors to control is the temperature in the cutting zone. The built-up heat in the cutting edge of the tool, are connected to titanium alloys low thermal conductivity and high heat capacity, which means that the alloy has low heat conduction from the cutting zone. The temperature is strongly depending on the cutting speed, which is the relative speed difference between the cutting tool and the workpiece. Many studies and research work have been conducted surrounding this fact, focusing on the physical and chemical quantities, to model tool wear progression and how this affects the tool life and the metal removal. These models are often implemented and analyzed in finite element software providing detailed but time-consuming solutions.The focus for this work have been on developing a suitable tool life expectancy model, using design of experiments in combination with metamodeling to establish a model connecting cutting parameters and measured responses in terms of tool life, from a conducted milling experiment. This models where supposed to provide a platform for customer recommendation and cutting data optimization to secure reliable machining operations. The study was limited to focus on the common α+β titanium alloy 6Al-4V. The outcome and conclusion for this study, is that the tool life is strongly connected to the choice of cutting speed and the radial width of cut and that these parameters can be predicted by the two models that have been develop in this project. The models ensure the highest possible metal removal rate, to selected parameters.

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  • 49.
    Andersson, Per
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Utvärdering av tomtmark med multikriterieanalys och en vägnätsanalys för trafikförsörjning: en GIS-studie åt Motala kommun2011Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [sv]

    Syftet med denna studie är att med hjälp av geografiska informationssystem (GIS) finna ett område i närheten av Borensberg tätort som är lämplig för utökning av tomter för friliggande enfamiljshus. Inom det valda området ska sedan ett vägnät tas fram för trafikförsörjning. Vägnätet ska dras där lutningen är som lägst, binda samman det befintliga vägnätet och ge ett bra relationstal baserat på antal meter ny väg per antal nya tomter.

    Borensberg är en boendeort med ett ökande antal invånare. Därför har Motala kommun i en översiktsplan fastställt att det minst ska finnas tio byggnadsklara tomter för fristående villor i beredskap för försäljning varje år och även tomter för flerbostadshus med ett genomsnitt av fem lägenheter per år.

    Data som har använts för att genomföra analysen består av ortofoton, digital höjdmodell, ArcGIS data i vektorformat och egenhändigt tagna digitala fotografier. För att hitta ett lämpligt område användes sex restriktionskriterier och två ickerestriktionskriterier. För att konstruera ett vägnät med en så låg lutning som möjligt användes funktioner i spatial analysis tool i ArcMap.

    Resultatet visar att det, utifrån de angivna kriterierna, finns områden lämpliga för en utökning av samhället. Det ger även två alternativ för nytt vägnät för det utvalda området, planeringsområdet. Vad som dock kan sägas är att det är svårt att hålla vägnätet under de givna lutningskriterierna med de förhållanden som landskapet erbjuder. Kriteriet där tomtmark inte får överstiga 25 grader utgör inte några hinder. Hela området kan anläggas med tomter.

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  • 50.
    Andersson, Towe
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Lindgren, Matilda
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, Department of Industrial Development, IT and Land Management.
    Fastighetsbestämning och särskild gränsutmärkning i Sverige2013Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this thesis is to describe property definition and special boundary demarcation and to analyze the differences between the two cadastral procedures. Property boundaries, especially unlawfully determined boundaries created through unofficial parcelling, can create conflicts between landowners and make it diffi-cult to know which land that a property contains of. It is possible to clarify the boundary conditions through a property definition or through a special boundary demarcation re-establish boundary marks.

    The methods used are: (1) A literature review to collect background information, (2) A case study to summarize court cases and (3) A questionnaire study to collect opinions from cadastral surveyors.

    The result is summarized in two comparisons. Firstly between restoration of landmark and special boundary demarcation (which replaced restoration of landmark in a legislative change in 2010), which demonstrated that the change in the law is considered positive because special boundary demarcation gives a legal effect on the boundaries. Secondly between property definition and special boundary demarcation which demonstrated that the two procedures are similar to each other. One difference between the procedures is that special boundary demarcation only can be used when there are no uncertainties concerning the boundary. It also demonstrated that the cadastral procedure costs only can be distributed during property definition.

    The legal effect on the boundaries contributes with a certainty for the property owners and is also considered positive for the community development. No exact definition of what a legal uncertainty is, was found using the three methods. A definition should make it easier to know which cadastral procedure that should be used. A question to examine in future studies is the possibilities to distribute cadastral procedure costs even during special boundary demarcation. 

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    Fastighetsbestämning och särskild gränsutmärkning i Sverige
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