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  • 1.
    Ahmadi, Fereshteh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Kultuuriperspektiiviline uurimus Rootsi vähipatsientide religioossetest ja vaimsetest toimetulekumeetoditest (A study of the religious and spiritual coping methods among Swedish cancer patients from a cultural perspective)2010In: Inimene, tervis ja haigused - Terviseteemaline artiklikogumik "Medica" (Human, Health and Illnesses. Health-concerned article collection "Medica") / [ed] Piret Paal & Mare Kõiva, Tallinn: Teaduskirjastus (Science Publishers) , 2010, 1, p. 185-216Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 2.
    Ahmadi, Fereshteh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Song lyrics and the alteration of self-image2011In: Nordisk tidskrift for musikkterapi - Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, ISSN 0803-9828, Vol. 20, no 3, p. 225-241Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In order to examine, from a patient perspective, the role music plays as a coping method when facing cancer, I conducted a qualitative study based on semi-structured interviews with 17 cancer patients. The patients were between 24–73 years of age and had used music (listened to or played music) to cope with their illness. In this article, four case studies serve to highlight one of the major findings: that the lyrics of religious, cheerful, and hard and heavy music can help cancer patients obtain a balance in their inner feelings by identifying themselves with the person to whom the song lyrics are addressed. This result may be of interest to therapists using music therapy interventions, especially with patients suffering from serious illness.

  • 3.
    Ahmadi, Fereshteh
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Ahmadi, Babak
    Ethnic identity and the meaning of context: a study of second generation Iranians in Sweden2012In: The Iranian community in Sweden: multidisciplinary perspectives / [ed] Hassan Hosseini-Kaladjahi, Tumba: Mångkulturellt centrum , 2012, 1, p. 193-220Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 4.
    Ahmadi, Fereshteh
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Norberg, Maria
    Socialogiska Institutionen, Uppsala universitet.
    Aggressiv musik som copingstrategi2010In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 87, no 2, p. 78-86Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    I artikeln ”aggressiv musik och coping” diskuteras aggressiv musik (heavy metal, hårdrock, punkrock, hård rap och aggressiv popmusik) som copingstrategi vid den rollkonflikt som kan uppstå i samband med att någon drabbas av cancer. Detta eftersom den sjukroll som tenderar att tillskrivas individen i många fall strider mot den roll personen själv önskar inneha. Diskussionen förs utifrån två fallbeskrivningar hämtade från en studie som fokuserar på musikens roll för personer som drabbats av cancer. I analysen av de två fallbeskrivningarna framgår att aggressiv musik har fungerat som en copingmetod genom att hjälpa informanterna att hantera den ovan nämnda rollkonflikten.

    Emellertid visade analysen på att ålder kan vara en aspekt av betydelse beträffande vid vilken tidpunkt som ett motstånd gentemot sjukrollen växer fram och en konflikt mellan rollerna uppstår. Det är viktigt att se att en copingstrategi är en mötesplats mellan individ och situation. Den är komplex, mångbottnad och högst kontextuell. Diskussionen i denna artikel, vilken förs utifrån detta synsätt, visar på att aggressiv musik, som ofta förknippas med

    aggressivitet och våld, kan verka som en funktionell och högst användbar copingstrategi för unga personer som drabbas av cancer.

  • 5.
    Andersson, Lars
    et al.
    Linköpings universitet.
    Öberg, PeterUniversity of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Jämlik ålderdom?: I samtiden och framtiden2012Collection (editor) (Other academic)
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  • 6.
    Andersson, Lars
    et al.
    Linköpings universitet.
    Öberg, Peter
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Äldre arbetstagares delaktighet i arbetslivet2012In: Social delaktighet / [ed] Jukka Surakka & Markku T. Hyyppä, Helsingfors: Arcada , 2012, p. 41-58Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 7.
    Andersson, Lars
    et al.
    Linköpings universitet.
    Öberg, Peter
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Äldre i arbetslivet - delaktiga eller marginaliserade?2012In: Jämlik ålderdom?: I samtiden och framtiden / [ed] Lars Andersson och Peter Öberg, Malmö: Liber, 2012, 1, p. 39-63Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 8.
    Ehn, Billy
    et al.
    Umeå universitet.
    Öberg, Peter
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Biografisk intervjumetod2011In: Många olika metoder / [ed] Katrine Fangen & Ann-Mari Sellerberg, Lund: Studentlitteratur, 2011, 1, p. 57-70Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Ehn, Billy
    et al.
    Umeå universitet.
    Öberg, Peter
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Biografisk intervjumetode2011In: Mange ulike metoder / [ed] Katrine Fangen & Ann-Mari Sellerberg, Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 2011, 1, p. 57-70Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 10.
    Flodström Enquist, Hjördis
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Coercive Legislation: Children´s Invisibility in the Legal Process2012In: The Sovereignty of Children in Law / [ed] Farhad Malekian and Kerstin Nordlöf, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012, p. 371-383Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 11.
    Flodström Enquist, Hjördis
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Ett bra liv, vem avgör2010In: Att vara socionom: från utbildad till erfaren / [ed] Gunbritt Sandström, Lund: Studentlitteratur , 2010, 1, p. 159-171Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 12.
    Flodström Enquist, Hjördis
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Några vanliga frågor om familjehem2011In: Familjehemsboken: frågor, fakta och personliga berättelser / [ed] Lisbeth Pipping, Gothia Förlag , 2011, 1, p. 124-132Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 13.
    Goldberg, Ted
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Hur blir man narkoman?: och hur hindrar vi det?2010 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den svenska narkotikapolitiken bygger i stor utsträckning på teorin att narkotika förändrar kroppens funktionssätt och leder till att individen förlorar kontrollen över sitt liv. I denna bok är drogernas biokemiska verkningar bara en av flera viktiga faktorer som uppmärksammas.

    Efter en presentation av biokemiskt tänkande om narkotika förklaras varför detta synsätt måste kompletteras med psykosociala variabler. Grundtesen är att kunskap om samhälleliga processer och mänskliga relationer behövs för att förstå beteenden som framträder sedan drogerna startat processer i kroppen. Genom att sammanlänka natur- och samhällsvetenskapliga föreställningar presenteras ett biopsykosocialt perspektiv.

    Grundad på deltagande observationsstudier på narkotikascenen i Stockholm har en modell utvecklats för att förklara varför vissa individer som prövar narkotika ger sig in i långvarig och självdestruktiv drogkonsumtion. Med utgångspunkt i deras livserfarenheter förs en diskussion om hur vi kan förebygga narkotikaproblem - dels genom åtgärder på samhällsnivån och dels genom att hjälpa föräldrar förstå vad de kan göra för att skydda sina barn.

  • 14.
    Goldberg, Ted
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Legalisera narkotika?: Ett diskussionsunderlag2011Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I huvudsak bygger den svenska narkotikapolitiken på föreställningar om drogernas biokemiska effekter på kroppen – och i förlängningen på människors beteende. I detta verk presenteras och skärskådas denna teoribildning, och ett alternativt sätt att betrakta narkotika introduceras.

              Därefter genomförs en kritisk granskning av det prohibitionistiska tänkandet som vår drogpolicy är exempel på, och centrala element i den internationella legaliseringsdebatten presenteras. En viktig slutsats är att vår narkotikapolitik medför mycket allvarliga negativa konsekvenser, men samtidigt finns inget fullständigt program som vi med bestämdhet vet skulle fungera bättre. Därför måste vi erkänna för oss själva att vi inte har hela lösningen och att vi måste pröva oss fram. Principerna för ”det experimenterande samhället” presenteras, liksom konkreta exempel på hur man kan gå tillväga.

              Eftersom många som vill förnya narkotikapolitiken betraktar internationella drogkonventioner som ett hinder mot nödvändigt nytänkande belyses FN:s betydelse i sammanhanget.

              Bokens mest centrala slutsats är att det är omöjligt att vinna kriget mot narkotikan. Därför måste vi sluta fred – dvs. lära oss leva med droger. För att kunna göra detta måste det skapas ett klimat där en ny drogpolitik kan växa fram. Som ett första steg ges konkreta förslag både på ämnen som behöver diskuteras och på tänkbara åtgärder som skulle kunna prövas.

  • 15.
    Goldberg, Ted
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Samhällsproblem2010Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna antologi har tre huvudsakliga mål:

    1. att ur sociologisk synvinkel presentera viktiga samhällsprocesser i dagens Sverige,

    2. att relatera olika typer av sociala problem till dessa samhällspro­cesser och

    3. att presentera aktuell statistik som belyser omfånget av ett antal sociala problem i vårt land i dag.

    Boken består av tre delar. Den inledande delen behandlar Sveriges ekonomiska och sociala struktur. I var sitt kapitel diskuteras social ojämlikhet, makt och arbetslivet.

       I antologins andra del diskuteras fyra områden där stora förändringar har ägt rum och alltjämt pågår: boendet, familjen, migration och åldrandet.

       Med utgångspunkt i tidigare kapitlel behandlar den sista delen fyra företeelser som de flesta betraktar som sociala problem: narkotika, alkohol, brottslighet och psykisk ohälsa.

  • 16.
    Goldberg, Ted
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Vad händer om vi legaliserar narkotika?2012In: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 1104-1420, E-ISSN 2003-5624, Vol. 19, no 1, p. 56-64Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Enligt den dominerande förklaringsmodellen i Sverige är problematisk konsumtion av narkotika huvudsakligen ett resultat av drogernas biokemiska (beroendeframkallande) egenskaper. Med utgångspunkt i detta synsätt tror vi oss veta att legalisering/avkriminalisering obönhörligen skulle leda till ökat missbruk - och därmed ökad misär. Eftersom vi redan ”vet” svaret finns ingen anledning att föra en ”legaliseringsdebatt”. Men utifrån en psykosocial förståelse av narkotikaproblemet kan slutsatsen bli en annan.

    I denna artikel begränsas diskussionen till bara en fråga: om Sverige skulle legalisera/avkriminalisera narkotika skulle detta leda till en väsentlig ökning av problematisk konsumtion i landet?

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    Vad händer om vi legaliserar narkotika
  • 17.
    Landahl, Joakim,
    et al.
    Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Stockholms universitet.
    Ahmadi, Fereshteh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Mode, senmodernitet, identitet2012In: Sociologisk forskning, ISSN 0038-0342, E-ISSN 2002-066X, Sociologisk Forskning, Vol. 49, no 2, p. 129-144Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 18.
    Larsson, Sam
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Counselling som samtalsstöd i socialt arbete2010In: Counselling: stödsamtal i socialt arbete / [ed] Sam Larsson, Sven Trygged, Stockholm: Gothia , 2010, 1, p. 20-60Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 19.
    Larsson, Sam
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Narrativ socialpsykologi i socialt arbete på rättsvetenskaplig grund2012In: Rätt, social utsatthet och samhälleligt ansvar: festskrift till Anna Hollander / [ed] K. Alexius et al., Stockholm: Norstedts Förlag, 2012, 1Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 20.
    Larsson, Sam
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work. Stockholms universitet.
    Lilja, JohnUniversity of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Temanummer : Perspektiv och dialoger om bruk och beroende av alkohol och droger2012Collection (editor) (Refereed)
  • 21.
    Larsson, Sam
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work. Stockholms universitet.
    Lilja, John
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    von Braun, Thérèse
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work. Stockholms universitet.
    Inledning till temanummer2012In: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 1104-1420, E-ISSN 2003-5624, no 3-4, p. 146-150Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 22.
    Larsson, Sam
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Trygged, Sven
    Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete - Socialhögskolan.
    Introduktion till counselling i socialt arbete2010In: Counselling: stödsamtal i socialt arbete / [ed] Sam Larsson & Sven Trygged, Stockholm: Gothia , 2010, p. 9-20Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 23.
    Larsson, Sam
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work. Stockholms universitet.
    von Braun, Thérèse
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work. Stockholms universitet.
    Lilja, John
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    En multidimensionell modell för analys av bruk och beroende av alkohol och droger2012In: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 1104-1420, E-ISSN 2003-5624, no 3-4, p. 151-169Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The chapter presents a multidimensional model where alcohol and drug use-misuse is considered as a multifactorial bio-psychosocial process. The multidimensional model describes the complexity of factors that contribute to alcohol and drug usemisuse and how this makes its study very challenging. The theoretical model considers many dimensions related to different intrapersonal and extra-personal factors affecting alcohol- and drug use-misuse.

    The intrapersonal influences include processes contributing to personal differences in alcohol and drug use. The focus is especially on neurobiological processes, personality, affective states, including, cognitive motivation or expectancies as behavioral motivators. Extra-personal influences consider demographics, environmental, social and sociocultural factors.

  • 24.
    Lilja, John
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    John Lilja on Godlaski and Clark's "Implementation Issues in an Innovative Rural Substance Misuser Treatment Program"2012In: Substance Use & Misuse, ISSN 1082-6084, E-ISSN 1532-2491, Vol. 47, no 13-14, p. 1451-1452Article in journal (Other academic)
  • 25. Lilja, John
    et al.
    Larsson, Sam
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Trygged, Sven
    Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete - Socialhögskolan.
    Counselling och forskning2010In: Counselling: stödsamtal i socialt arbete / [ed] Sam Larsson, Sven Trygged, Stockholm: Gothia , 2010, 1, p. 246-265Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 26.
    Lilja, My
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Attityder och normer kring anlagd brand bland högstadieungdomar och skolpersonal2011Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Rapportens syfte är att undersöka hur högstadieungdomar och skolanställda uppfattar fenomenet anlagd brand. I undersökningen intervjuades 13 skolanställda och 32 ungdomar om anlagd brand. De flesta ungdomar ser anlagd brand som en allvarlig men relativt ovanlig företeelse. Istället ansågs eldande i skolan vara vanligt förekommande. Särskilt nämndes att elever eldar med tändare. De flesta ungdomar ansåg att det var lika många flickor som pojkar som eldar i skolan. Majoriteten har haft utbildning från räddningstjänsten och de flesta har en positiv bild av räddningstjänstens arbete. Ungdomarna säger sig ha relativt goda kunskaper om eldhantering, hur man släcker en brand och hur man larmar. Flera skolanställda berättar också om att det förekommer eller har förekommit att elever eldar i skolan. Även skolpersonalen har en positiv inställning till räddningstjänstens arbete och har goda kunskaper om eldhantering, hur man släcker en brand och hur man larmar. Ett problem som lyftes fram av skolpersonalen var "tidsbristen" i det förebyggande arbetet mot anlagda bränder.

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  • 27.
    Michailakis, Dimitris
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Schirmer, Werner
    Department of Sociology, Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Agents of their health? How the Swedish welfare state introduces expectations of individual responsibility2010In: Sociology of Health and Illness, ISSN 0141-9889, E-ISSN 1467-9566, Vol. 32, no 6, p. 930-947Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In recent years, the notion of individual responsibility for one's health has been introduced into Swedish medico-political debate. Formerly expressed as a recommendation, it has now taken on the form of expectations. In a Swedish context, this shift from collective to individual responsibility is novel because it implies a break with well-established welfare state practice of comprehensive care for their citizens. Using a systems-theoretical approach, we interpret this shift of expectations as a political solution to the problem of legitimate allocation of scarce resources. A more inclusive medical conception of illness has facilitated the introduction of many new diagnoses that, in turn, have lead to a strong increase in claims for medical treatment and for compensation. This semantic change in medicine aggravates the budgetary situation of the welfare state. The political solution lies in a reorientation of the expectations the medical system can have on citizens as well as a shift of the expectations regarding the rights and obligations citizens can have on the medical system. Individuals are increasingly expected to live healthy lifestyles and to avoid hazardous habits. If they do not live up to these expectations, they have to face low prioritisation or denial of treatment.

  • 28.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Children and the Janus-faced Internet: Social Policy Implications for Mauritius as a Developing Country Case Study2010In: High-Tech Tots: Childhood in a Digital World / [ed] I, Berson and M. Berson, Charlotte, USA: Information Age Publishing , 2010, 1Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 29.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Community participation within integrated coastal zone management in Western Indian Ocean Countries: A factor analysis of perceived benefits and barriers2011In: Journal of Environmental Research and Development, ISSN 0973-6921, Vol. 6, no 1, p. 147-154Article in journal (Refereed)
  • 30.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Internet and Early Adolescent Sexuality2010Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 31.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Social Work and Sustainable Development : Local Voices from 'Maurice Ile Durable'2012In: Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Abstract book, 2012, p. 274-Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The island of Mauritius is a well-known tourist destination. It has a land surface area of 1,860 square kilometers with a coastline of 177 kilometers, and a total human population of about 1.2 million. Within the context of sustainable development initiatives, the current government launched a project called ‘Maurice Ile Durable’ in 2008. Within this particular context, social workers are often being called upon to work on sustainable social development programmes, such as community empowerment for Integrated Coastal Zone Management (IZCM). Social work has a long tradition of using theoretical perspectives for analysing social problems as well as guiding decision-making for interventions and practice. The aim of the paper is to present an analysis of the voices gathered from the local ICZM stakeholders, using a critical eco-social work perspective, in order to identify important sectors for eco-social work interventions. This paper is based on qualitative data collected from 2009 to 2011 for three different ICZM research projects. The data set consist of 8 focus group discussions with influential local inhabitants from 8 key coastal villages, and 24 semi-structured face-to-face interviews with leaders of national non-governmental and governmental organisations involved in ICZM programmes in Mauritius. Atlas-ti 6.2, a computer aided qualitative data analysis software, has been utilised to carry out a critical discourse analysis of the gathered data. From the analysis of the gathered voices, the discussion on findings is focused on three key sectors for critical eco-social work within ICZM programmes in Mauritius. These keys sectors are; access to coastal resources, redistribution of national benefits from the tourism industry, and community empowerment through the ‘National Empowerment Programme’. The conclusion of the paper is based on the implications for anti-oppressive and emancipatory social work practice within the promotion of sustainable social development in Mauritius.

  • 32.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Social Work in Rural Communities: A Case study of Empowerment Interventions for the Eradication of Absolute Poverty in Southeast Rural Coastal Villages of Mauritius2011In: Social Work in Rural Communities / [ed] L. Ginsberg, Virginia, USA: Council of Social Work Education , 2011, 5, p. 39-67Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 33.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    The Internet Mediated Sex Consumptions of Mauritian Teenagers: Heroes And Victims2010Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 34.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Why it is Difficult to Eradicate Chronic Poverty?: A Case Study from Mauritius2011In: Poverty alleviation strategies: experiences and new ideas: Proceedings, Ankara: General Directorate of Social Assistance and Solidarity , 2011, , p. 217-241p. 217-241Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 35.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Young People and Cybersex in a Sexually Conservative Society: A Case Study from Mauritius2011In: Youth Culture and Net Culture: Online Social Practices / [ed] Elza Dunkels, Gun-Marie Franberg and Camilla Hallgren, Hershey, USA: IGI Global Publishing , 2011, 1, p. 171-189Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 36.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Karlsson, Lis-Bodil
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Teaching and Learning of Social Work through Autobiographic Literatures2012In: International Journal of Learning, ISSN 1447-9494, E-ISSN 1447-9540, Vol. 18, no 4, p. 17-28Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Like many other subjects and disciplines, the teaching and learning of social work is also based on the notion of engaging learners through different levels of Bloom’s (1956) taxonomy of learning - cognitive, affective and psycho-motor. From this theoretical perspective, teachers responsible for developing social work curricula usually look for different materials and methods for transferring social work knowledge and skills that touches the three essential domains of teaching and learning. Within this context, this paper considers the use of autobiographic literatures as a material and method for transferring social work knowledge and skills to learners through the three learning domains. Through a discourse analysis of students’ perceptions on making use of autobiographic literatures in a research methodology course, this paper answers two specific research questions: (a.) how social work learners relate to autobiographic literatures as a learning material and (b.) how autobiographic literatures could effectively be used within teaching and learning of social work. The analysis of the learners’ perspective from this study reveals that autobiographic literatures are interesting, informative and helpful materials for teaching and learning of both theories and practice of social work. However, teachers responsible for designing social work teaching curricula should ensure that methodologically the materials and methods engage the learners at different learning domains for the learning of both theories and practice of social work. The paper also supports the view that materials and methods in teaching and learning of social work should be rigorously evaluated with more focus given to the learners’ insights as part of a more participatory curriculum review.

  • 37.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Karlsson, Lis-Bodil
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Teaching and Learning of Social Work through Autobiographic Literatures2011Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Like many other subjects and disciplines, the teaching and learning of social work is also based on the notion of engaging learners through different levels of Bloom’s (1956) taxonomy of learning - cognitive, affective and psycho-motor. From this theoretical perspective, teachers responsible for developing social work curricula usually look for different materials and methods for transferring social work knowledge and skills that touches the three essential domains of teaching and learning. Within this context, this paper considers the use of autobiographic literatures as a material and method for transferring social work knowledge and skills to learners through the three learning domains. Through a discourse analysis of students’ perceptions on making use of autobiographic literatures in a research methodology course, this paper answers two specific research questions: (a.) how social work learners relate to autobiographic literatures as a learning material and (b.) how autobiographic literatures could effectively be used within teaching and learning of social work. The analysis of the learners’ perspective from this study reveals that autobiographic literatures are interesting, informative and helpful materials for teaching and learning of both theories and practice of social work. However, teachers responsible for designing social work teaching curricula should ensure that methodologically the materials and methods engage the learners at different learning domains for the learning of both theories and practice of social work. The paper also supports the view that materials and methods in teaching and learning of social work should be rigorously evaluated with more focus given to the learners’ insights as part of a more participatory curriculum review.

  • 38.
    Rambaree, Komalsingh
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Knez, Igor
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Psychology. University of Gävle.
    Auchoybur, Nashad
    University of Mauritius.
    Gender and Health in Higher Education: A Study of Undergraduates from University of Mauritius2012In: Jenda: A Journal of Culture and African Women Studies, E-ISSN 1530-5686, Vol. 20, no 1, p. 25-40Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper explores health among men and women from the undergraduates at the University of Mauritius. A representative sample of 250 undergraduates was selected from the register of the University of Mauritius using stratified random sampling strategy to carry out Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVAs) which demonstrated significant differences between men and women from the study group. The study found that women reported more physical and mental health problems as compared to men. In addition, there were significant differences between men and women in terms of awareness about sexual health risks which were mainly related to promiscuity and the use of condoms. Moreover, there were significant differences between men and women in terms of consumption of alcohol and cigarettes, as well as participation in sports activities. Finally, it was found that more men reported about facing barriers such as money and location with regards to access to health care services. This paper therefore concludes that gender could explain most of the significant differences in terms of health among the undergraduates at the University of Mauritius.

  • 39.
    Sjöberg, Stefan
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Collective empowerment and social mobilization: a comparative analysis of experiences from social work in Mumbai and Stockholm2012Conference paper (Refereed)
  • 40.
    Trygged, Sven
    et al.
    Stockholms universitet, Institutionen för socialt arbete - Socialhögskolan.
    Larsson, SamUniversity of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Counselling: Stödsamtal i socialt arbete2010Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 41.
    Vidman, Åsa
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Sjukskrivning och socialt omsorgsarbete2012In: Genusperspektiv i socialt arbete / [ed] Lis Bodil Karlsson & Katarina Piuva, Stockholm: Natur och kultur, 2012, 1, p. 280-297Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 42.
    von Braun, Thérèse
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Praktisk tillämpning av counselling inom socialt arbete2010In: Counselling - stödsamtal i socialt arbete / [ed] Sam Larsson och Sven Trygged, Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB, 2010, p. 127-150Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 43.
    Öberg, Peter
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Demographical changes and the silver economy: New lifestyles and social structures of older people2011Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 44.
    Öberg, Peter
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Livshistorieintervju2011In: Handbok i kvalitativa metoder / [ed] Göran Ahrne & Peter Svensson, Malmö: Liber, 2011, 1, p. 58-70Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 45.
    Öberg, Peter
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Livsloppsperspektivet2012Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 46.
    Öberg, Peter
    et al.
    University of Gävle, Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies, Department of Social Work and Psychology, Sociology/Social work.
    Bildtgård, Torbjörn
    Social Work, Stockholm University.
    Diversity and ageing – the meaning of new intimate relationships in later life2012In: : Book of Abstracts, 2012, p. 423-423Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Social gerontology and family sociology about intimacy in old age has almost exclusively focused on institutionalized life-long marriages and little research has focused on re-partnering and the forms and meaning of this diversity of new intimate relationships in later life. Framed by Giddens’ transformation of intimacy and Laslett’s theory of the third age, as well as changing social and demographical conditions, this paper will focus on how different forms of new intimate relationships are formative for the experi-ence of ageing.The strategical sampel was diversified according to differ-ent forms of new intimate relationships: dating singles, married, cohabiting and living apart together. Qualitative interviews was used with 28 Swedes, 63–91 years, who have established a new intimate heterosexual relation-ship after 60 or who are dating singles. The results showed the significance of new intimate relations for social integration and for the experience of old age as the “crown of life”. The meaning of new intimate relations in differ-ent intimacy forms are discussed in relation to everyday life in old age, the relational history and relational careers and future perspectives of informal support structures by the relation.

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