The purpose of this study was to investigate how the social services work with the situation of home-based sons in a family where there is suspicion of honor-related violence and oppression. Five social secretaries in three municipalities who worked on investigative units were interviewed. The theoretical points of the study were intersectionality and system theory. The results show that the social secretaries had varied levels of knowledge regarding the sons' situation in honor related cases. None of the social secretaries had worked on "specific boy cases" and boys were only investigated in cases concerning girls. Challenges for the social secretaries aimed at the difficulty of getting girls to stay in their placements. None of the municipalities had specific interventions directed at the sons. There were general interventions offered through the municipalities' outpatient care. In all municipalities, the interventions were mainly directed towards the protection of the girls or to offer parents family treatment.
In July 2021 the Swedish legal system introduced a new penal provision called barnfridsbrott which can be found in Chapter 4 of the Swedish Penal Code. The new provision stipulates that a family member or any other close relative exposing children to acts of violence, shall be held responsible in the court of law. The aim of this study was to examine how the new provision had affected the professional work with children who has experienced violence between family members or other close relatives. The study included interviews with different professionals such as social workers, children’s investigators from the police and a coordinator from the Swedish welfare agency barnahus. The results showed that the new provision only had resulted in minor changes which also varied between the professionals. Furthermore, the professionals discussed a number of obstacles that hindered effective co–ordination between them. This essay intended to study these results.
Titel:” It's a wonder you've survived everything you've done "- a qualitative study of four young men's stories of going in and out of crime.
Authors: Ahmed Abdi & Therese Hildemar
Institution: University of Gävle, Department of Social Work and Criminology, VT 2020.
Juvenile crime is a debated topic in society. The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences of ex-criminals on the factors that have contributed to how they developed and got out of their criminal lifestyle. The study has been conducted by semi-structured interviews with four young men, former criminals. The results of the interviews showed that several factors worked together as to why the men developed a criminal lifestyle: growing up with a single mother, narcotics abuse, defective education and the feeling of wanting to belong to a community. The reason why these young men get out of criminality varies. Factors that did play apart were imprisonment, treatment of substance abuse or that they were no longer able to maintain a criminal lifestyle. The conclusion is that it is not possible to point out a factor as decisive, but there are various factors that play a crucial role in informants' development and termination of criminal behavior.
This study aims to explore the working methods used by service providers in Germany when working with women affected by sex trafficking, as well as connected challenges and how these can be tackled. The authors used a qualitative research approach, semi-structured interviews were used as a data collection tool. The participants of the study consisted of four service providers working with women affected by sex trafficking in Germany. The collected empirical data was analysed with the ecological systems theory. The collected data was divided into three themes: methods and interventions, challenges, and tackling challenges and desired changes. These themes represented the most important information collected within this study. These findings illustrate trust-building as the most important method to effectively work with women affected by sex trafficking. Besides that, one of the key challenges identified was lack of awareness and misconceptions on the issue of sex trafficking.
The purpose of our study is to investigate young unaccompanied childrens’ experiencesof integration and their coping strategies used to deal with integration challenges in thenew country. The study also draws attention to professionals' experiences of difficulties and opportunities of integration work with unaccompanied children and young people. We applied a knowledge overview, that comprised a phenomenological analysis, based on thirteen articles that were examined on the basis of a criteria template. The results were analyzed with Folkman and Lazarus coping theory and Bronfenbrenners developmental ecology theory.Comprehensively, our results show that unaccompanied children and young people dodesire to establish contacts with the majority population but experience difficulties due to segregation, cultural barriers, prejudice and racism in school. Furthermore, supportive relationships with housing staff and professionals, and mainly peers from the same ethnic group, seem to play a significant role in their well-being and integration process. They also show high motivation and determination to learn the new languageand to educate themselves, which they emphasize is the key to successful integration inthe new country. The results indicate however, that mental illness, few opportunities for language training and organizational barriers in school are barriers to achieveintegration. Comparing the past with one's current life situation and seeking distractions,particularly by spending time with friends and engaging in meaningful activities, are key coping strategies that unaccompanied minors use to deal with difficulties in life. Further, religion as a coping strategy played a significant role in their well-being andability to cope with problems.
This study aims to explore the differences and similarities in the roles played by medical social workers in a health setting in Sweden. Furthermore, it tries to illustrate the challenges that impact the roles and work practices of medical social workers. : This bachelor thesis is based on previous research and literature on the roles, responsibilities, and challenges of medical social workers. Additionally, it made use of a theoretical framework that treated healthcare centres as a social system within which individuals or identified social groups can communicate and collaborate in the performance of their roles. The results of this study could provide a perspective that enlightens professional healthcare work teams to understand the roles, and to communicate and collaborate more with complementary workers such as medical social workers towards realizing Sustainable Development Goal 3 in the Swedish healthcare system. It could encourage medical social workers to tackle issues that could be working against the visibility of their roles in the healthcare system.This study adds to the medical social work practices in the healthcare setting literature by exploring the roles played, the institutional factors and practices as well as challenges that impact medical social workers’ practice.This research followed the qualitative method and data is obtained through semi-structured interviews with seven medical social workers at Sundsvall Hospital and Habilitation Centre. The responses were analyzed using a thematic analysis method. The findings of the study demonstrate that medical social workers at the habilitation centre and hospital mostly share similar responsibilities. However, this study finds that unique differences occur in their responsibilities or practice based on the healthcare facility they work at, the target patient they are dealing with, and the type of sickness/diagnosis they addressIn conclusion, medical social workers play crucial roles in Sweden, be it at the Rehab Centres or general hospitals. The study has shown that these roles are essential towards sustaining families and restoring individuals and integrating them into society through the provision of psychosocial support, counseling and family support services. For medical social workers to offer more to the improvement of health and societal well-being, there is a need for recognition of the crucial roles they play among other health professionals. This can be done with enhanced and continued opportunities for collaboration among social workers and other medical or health professionals in the healthcare setup or system.
Homeless persons with comorbidity are among the most vulnerable populations within social work. The relapsing nature of substance abuse has been a significant barrier to the traditional treatment/housing programs that build upon abstinence-based policies. Therefore, there has been a shift toward Housing First, a harm reduction policy that prioritizes the minimization of harms over abstinence. This study aims to explore practical experiences with the harm reduction approach within Housing First.Data was collected through a qualitative focus group interview with four employeeswithin a Housing First project in Sweden. The data was analyzed by a thematic analysis with social constructivism and new institutionalism as theoretical frameworks.The results showed a holistic approach to harm reduction but also that the view on harm reduction varies depending on the social context. It was also revealed that the conflicting principles of zero tolerance and harm reduction have affected professionalcollaboration in various ways
The purpose of the study was to find out how special needs children are being included in theeducational settings in Cameroon and the challenges they face and to understand the perspectivesof both Social workers and teachers on an inclusive educational system.The theory used in this study was the ecological system theory. The theory explains how specialneeds children are being included in mainstream schools. This study used a qualitative descriptivedesign to describe teachers' and social workers’ perceptions and their role within inclusiveeducation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with three teachers and three social workersvia Zoom (an online meeting platform). The results were analyzed using themes.The findings from this study indicated that teachers and social workers feel they have differentroles and responsibilities in the education of children with special needs. The study also revealedthat challenges with finance, lack of manpower, and government complacency in budgeting andimplementing policies were part of the impediments to inclusive education in Cameroon.From the research findings, there is a huge deficit in inclusive education in Cameroon; there is stillsystematic seclusion of physically challenged children from obtaining quality education due toenvironmental, financial, structural, and political deficiencies, concerted effort must be put in placeto ensure education for all is achieved.
Studien genomfördes med ambitionen att undersöka dels huruvida invånarna som bor i miljonpro- grammets höghus upplever kollektiv styrka1 och dels vilken betydelse detta har haft för den höga brottsfrekvensen i området. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ dataanalys av intervjumaterial hämtat från intervjuer som utfördes med invånarna på Malmvägen, i Sollentuna kommen, Stock- holms län.
Studiens resultat påvisade att invånarna som bor i miljonprogrammets höghusområdet ofta upple- ver en låg kollektiv styrka. Boendeformen gör socialiseringsprocessen mer utmanande för de som bor där. Flervåningshusen med många lägenheter kombinerat med den stora befolkningen har gjort det svårt för invånarna att lära känna sina grannar. Detta gör att folk blir anonyma och att viljan att ingripa för bostadsområdets säkerhet blir låg.
Förslag som de boende själva lyfter fram för att motverka detta är olika insatser som mobiliserar lokala krafter i området.
The aim of this study was to examine how asylum organizations work in facilitating the integration of asylum seekers into Swedish society. In Sweden, despite its historical acceptance of migrants and asylum seekers, the country is not immune to integration challenges. The study employed a qualitative research approach to capture the perspectives and opinions of employees working in the selected organizations. A purposive sampling method was utilized, wherein two representatives were carefully chosen from each organization. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with a total of four (4) participants. Thematic analysis was applied to analyze the data gathered from these interviews.
The findings of the study indicated that asylum organizations offer various forms of support, including assistance with school placement, language acquisition, housing, education on Swedish norms and customs, and facilitating connections with authorities to Asylum seekers. However, several challenges persist, such as insufficient government support, inadequate funding, and lengthy asylum procedures. To address these issues, there is a need for increased government support, proactive measures, financial aid, expedited asylum processes. These improvements would enable the organizations to effectively engage and assist asylum seekers in their integration process.
Adaptability and cultural competency are core qualities that concern the profession of social work. The primary goal for a social worker is to enhance human well-being and improve for all sorts of complex and basic needs. The aim of this study was to investigate social workers attitudes regarding humanistic creative art as an intervention tool for clients with bipolar disorder. The main focus was to investigate how these approaches could be applied internationally and if it could affect stigmatization. The social workers had various experiences and came from Sweden, Finland/Australia and Nepal. The study was conducted through qualitative research with an inductive thematic analysis, data collection and semi structured interviews. Two theories were applied in order to interpret the results: Erving Goffman’s stigma theory and Carl Rogers’ person centered therapy theory, combined with Natalie Rogers’ person centered expressive arts. The results showed that humanistic art approaches aims for connectedness and could function as an intervention tool. The results also showed a fear of accidentally exacerbating mania and inexperience with bipolar disorder.
In this article, I will discuss the integration of the Sufi ideas into the Iranian ways of thinking. I will put forward some factors, which explain the reason why Sufi ideas could impact the Iranian ways of thinking and become an integrated part of it. This issue is important since one of the reasons for several social problems from which the Iranian society suffers can be found in the Iranian group-oriented ways of thinking and the lack of an individual-oriented perspective concerning every citizen’s not only rights but duties as well. The mystical dimension of Iranian ways of thinking is regarded as one of the factors, which counteracted the growth of concern for the individual self in the ways of thinking of Iranians.
This article examines the impact of the host society’s social characteristics on second-generation immigrants’ understanding of their national and ethnic identities. Specifically, we studied how second-generation Iranians in Sweden identify themselves with Iranian society, with the Iranian ethnic group in Sweden, and/or with Swedish society, and then we compared second-generation Iranians in Sweden with those in the USA concerning the issue in question. To gather the data in Sweden, we used semi-structured e-mail interviews with 15 young people of Iranian background. We used secondary data to compare our results with those obtained in the USA. When comparing the results of this study with those obtained in the USA, we did not find the identity tensions and crisis reported by research on second-generation Iranians in the USA in members of the same generation in Sweden. Some policy recommendations were suggested.
Sanctification is an important phenomenon and should be of keen interest to those studying religious and spiritually oriented coping. Oddly enough, this phenomenon has not received a great deal of attention. One reason may be that sanctification does not directly apply to institutional religious involvement. Moreover, the sacred cannot easily be discerned in people’s coping experience. On important issue is also the lack of attention to the role of culture in coping. One of the researchers who has paid considerable attention to the concept of sanctification and has developed it from different perspectives is Kenneth Pargament. The aim of this article is give rise to a vital discussion on the role of sanctification in coping from a cultural perspective. In doing this, we will first introduce Pargament’s approach to religion and spirituality and then his view on sanctification and then we will put forward our own critique of some discussions on this subject, concluding with our own view.
Objectives: The present study, one of the first to look at COVID-19 and coping in Iran, aimed at mapping, describing and understanding the coping methods academics employ as protective resources to deal with the psychological challenges and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. We specifically aimed at identifying the meaning-making coping methods used and understanding the influence of culture. The guiding research questions has been: Are there differences in meaning-making coping methods by gender, age group, work/student status, and place of residence? Design: The study, which used convenience sampling, was a quantitative inquiry. It employed a modified version of the RCOPE scale among faculty/staff members and students in Iran (n=196, 75% women). Results: The most frequently used coping method among all subgroups of the study sample was thinking that life is part of a greater whole, followed by praying to Allah/God. The least used coping methods were the negative religious ones. Gender differences were found for being alone and contemplating, stronger for men. Thinking that life is part of a greater whole was found mainly among on-campus students. Praying to Allah/God was most common among the youngest staff and students, as well as among women. Two segments of respondents were discovered – the Theists and Non-theists – where the former used more religious coping methods, were more likely to be women, older staff and students, on-campus students, married, have children, and lived in capital. Conclusions: Our conclusion is that the RCOPE methods, which include religious and spiritual meaning-making methods, are of great importance to the studied Iranian informants. However, they use some secular existential meaning-making coping strategies too. This is explained by the role of religion in the larger orientation system and frame of reference in parallel with a secular worldview. Further, a sharp distinction between religious and secular worldviews was not found, which is explained by the fact that secular norms are hardly internalized in ways of thinking in Iran.
In this study, we map and describe the coping methods used by members of the university community in Sweden to deal with the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic. This study, which used simple random sampling, was quantitative. It employed a modified version of the RCOPE instrument as well as items from earlier studies of meaning-making coping in Sweden. Among participants (n = 277, 64% women), the most frequently used coping method was nature as a resource in dealing with stress and sadness, followed by listening to the sounds of surrounding nature and thinking of life as part of a greater whole; these coping methods were the most common in all subgroups studied. We used a cultural perspective to better understand the application of certain meaning-making coping methods.
Aims: This study aimed to describe and understand the individual and social dimensions of resiliency among Iranian academics as professionals during the early wave of the ongoing pandemic. Furthermore, we aimed to emphasize the cultural context in our analysis. Method: A cross-sectional survey design was adopted. We used convenient sampling, administered through an online survey, among academics at Iranian universities (n = 196, 75% women). We employed the CD-RISC 2 instrument, items on life meaning, and a modified version of Pargament’s RCOPE instrument (Meaning, Control, Comfort/Spirituality, Intimacy/Spirituality, and Life Transformation). Results: The results revealed a strong level of resilience among men (M = 5.78) and women (M = 5.52). Self-rated health was rated as excellent, very good, or good among a majority (92%) of the participants, more so among men. Family was one of the factors that most strongly gave life meaning, followed by friends, work/school, and religion/spirituality. There was a strong correlation between self-rated health and life as part of a greater whole, being alone, and listening to the sounds of the surrounding nature. Conclusions: Both personal and social levels of resilience and meaning-making are seen in the results, with an ability to balance between obstacles and resources. Cultural practices are interdependent, which also include the individual and social dimensions of resiliency and meaning-making.
To understand the role of culture on the use of the meaning-making coping among people who have been struck by cancer, qualitative and quantitative studies have been conducted in several countries like Sweden, China, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, and Turkey. This article reports on a quantitative study carried out in Turkey. The aim of the study has been to answer the following question: “Which meaning-making coping method (even nonreligious or spiritual coping methods) is used by informants?” The sample consists of 95 persons, 18+ who had been struck by cancer. The questionnaire was distributed to former/current cancer patients via a web address as an electronic survey through the media page of Cancer Survivors Association. The results of the study show that the most important coping methods used by cancer patients in Turkey are the religious coping (RCOPE) methods, particularly spiritual connection, active religious surrender, passive religious deferral, and pleading for direct intercession. Several RCOPE methods such as spiritual discontent, seeking support from clergy or members, punishing God reappraisal, and demonic reappraisal or self-directing religious coping are not used by the Turkish informants. Nor are non-RCOPE methods highly prevalent among informants.
The aim of this article is to elucidate and discuss the results of the 2016 Diversity Barometer (Mångfaldsbarometern) and compare these results with those obtained from ten years of the longitudinal Diversity Barometers for 2005?2014. An additional aim is to demonstrate whether and how Swedish people?s experiences of and attitudes toward people with a foreign background and ethnic diversity have changed.A random sample of the Swedish population took part in the annual study, which was carried out in the form of a nationwide postal survey. The results show that negative attitudes toward ethnic and cultural diversity in general, and migrant population in particular, have increased to some extent and with respect to certain issues. Views on diversity in relation to culture and religion ? especially Islam ? were more negative than views on diversity in relation to work. Those who have larger experience of contact with foreigners show a more positive attitude toward diversity compared with those with limited experience and contact. Individuals who have higher education, those who identify themselves as female, younger persons and those living in large cities are more positive than other groups. In our analysis of the empirical data, we proceeded from a social work perspective and applied contact theory and group conflict theories relating attitudes to group position.
This article aims to discuss changes in attitudes towards immigrants in Sweden from 2015 onwards, based on the results of the longitudinal Diversity Barometer studies from 2005-2014, 2016 and 2018. The Diversity Barometer studies are based on a national, representative, and randomly selected sample from the Swedish population, with a new sample selected each time. We have analyzed the changes from a sociological perspective, using theories such as contact theory and group conflict theory. The results show an increase in negative attitudes towards ethic and cultural diversity generally, and towards immigrants specifically. Diversity in culture and religion – especially towards Islam – is more negatively perceived as compared to diversity in the work domain. Societal groups with extensive experience from contact with foreigners, those who identify themselves as women, those who are more educated, younger people and city dwellers, have all a more positive attitude towards diversity than others.
The purpose of the present project has been to carry out international studies on meaning-making coping among people who have been affected by cancer in a number of societies and, thereby, to try to understand the influence of culture on use of these coping methods. Five countries—Sweden, South Korea, China, Japan, and Turkey—are included in the project. Qualitative semistructured interviews have been conducted with persons with a cancer diagnosis. The research group in each country has used, as a foundation, the interview questions developed for the Swedish study. These questions were, however, modified to better suite the sociocultural context of each participating country. The results presented here concern only Turkey and are restricted to religious coping methods. The study consists of 25 cancer patients (18 females and 7 males) between 20 and 71 years of age. The results of the study in Turkey indicated that the RCOPE (Religious Coping) methods are highly relevant for the interviewees. A sociological analysis of the study made from a cultural perspective showed clearly the importance of the idea of being tolerant (Sabr) for patients when coping with the psychological problems brought about by cancer. The study made it clear that culture plays an essential role in the choice of coping methods.
This article is written on the basis of a study on meaning-making coping in Iran. The study is a part of an international project in 10 countries with different religious and cultural backgrounds. This article aims to discuss the secular existential meaning-making coping methods employed by Iranian cancer patients. Interviews were conducted with 27 participants with various kinds of cancer. Nine secular existential meaning-making coping strategies emerged from the analyses of the qualitative interviews. These coping methods are as follows: Ignoring the illness, Distraction, Altruism, Encounter with others, Nature, Discourse of the self, Visualization, Positive solitude, and Positive thinking and transformational orientation. It seems that, using these strategies, our sample of Iranian cancer patients/survivors have been denying/ignoring their illness, and/or empowering themselves. We discuss the results, considering the potential influence of cultural elements, including Iranian Islam, Persian mysticism, and Persian literature, on the selection of the coping strategies. The study contributes to our understanding of coping via elucidating how seriously ill individuals in Iran try to manage the challenges caused by a health crisis.
Dreaming has been associated with human activity, including the activity of individuals with chronic illness. To date, there is a body of literature that has associated dreaming with certain chronic illnesses such as breast cancer, asthma, hypertension, and colitis. However, little research has been done on dreaming activity among cancer patients and their beliefs. This study aims to investigate dreaming activity among cancer patients and explore their meaning making in relation to their dreams. This qualitative study involved 35 cancer patients. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The themes that emerged were dreams as an alarm, sadness and anxiety, denial, hope and motivation, nightmares are the work of evil, and searching for confirmation. It is hoped that this study will promote our understanding of cancer patients’ journey.
The present study aimed to explore the use of meaning-making coping mechanisms (existential, spiritual and religious coping) among ethnic Malay cancer patients in Malaysia and to investigate the impact of culture on their choice of coping methods. Twenty-nine participants with various kinds of cancer were interviewed. Four kinds of coping resources emerged from analyses of the interview transcripts: (1) relying on transcendent power, (2) supernatural or mystical beliefs, (3) finding oneself in relationships with others and (4) nature. In this article, the two first resources are in focus. The present findings suggest that Malay culture, which is imbued with Islamic belief, strongly influences cancer patients’ coping methods and ways of looking at their experience of being cancer patients.
The present article aimed to compare the use of religious coping methods among cancer patients in three Islamic countries from a sociocultural perspective. The article is based on an international study on meaning-making coping in ten countries, among others Malaysia, Iran and Turkey. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted among cancer patients in Malaysia (29), Iran (27) and Turkey (25). The results of the comparison show certain differences in use of religious coping methods between informants in these three countries despite Islam being the dominant religion in all contexts. The findings of this comparative study show the important role culture plays in coping.
The present article is written on the basis of a sociological international project on meaning-making coping. The aim of the project has been to understand the role of culture in meaning-making coping. The project embarrasses studies among cancer patients in 10 countries. The present article is confined to the results obtained in the study in japan. The main aim was to investigate the impact of culture from a sociological perspective on the choice of coping methods. Twelve participants with various kinds of cancer were interviewed. Several meaning-making coping methods are found in the present study. This study underlines the importance of investigating cultural and social context when investigating into the use of the meaning-making coping methods in different countries.
The article discusses children’s thoughts about death. Research was carried out in two elementary schools in Sweden among 40 children between 6 and 9 years of age, data were collected through text reading, movie viewing and dialogues with children. The main results reveal child-specific thoughts about the end of life, i.e., ideas children construe on their own. The findings also show society- and time-specific thoughts that children take from their societal and cultural context. The article proposes an integrative approach between these two: it is only when the categories of child-specific and society- and time-specific thoughts are combined that we get a fair picture of children’s perceptions of death. The main finding is that children form ideas of their own; they are not completely under the influence of their societal and cultural context. Children take over ideas from their surrounding society but they also express ideas produced by themselves.
For understanding the role of culture in coping in different cultural settings, we have conducted studies among cancer patients in 10 countries, within the framework of an international study on meaning-making coping. This article reports on part of the results we obtained from a study in Portugal; specifically, the reported findings are restricted to nonreligious/spiritual coping methods, methods we call secular existential meaning-making coping. The main aim is to identify the diversity of coping methods using a cultural lens. Thirty-one participants with various kinds of cancer were interviewed. Six different kinds of coping methods related to secular existential coping emerged from thematic analyses of the interviews: discourse of the self, positive solitude, nature, positive transformational orientation, body–mind relationship, and working. Findings revealed that these six methods facilitated patients’ psychological adaptation to the oncological disease. The findings suggest the importance of considering cultural and social context when exploring coping strategies among cancer patients.
The death of a child may result in traumatizing forms of grief, and meaning-making coping with loss seems to be important in prevention of intense psychosocial problems among bereaved parents. The aim of this quantitative pilot study was to discover the divergent meaning-making coping methods used by bereaved parents in Sweden. In doing so, 162 respondents were selected using a convenience sampling method, and they responded to the modified version of RCOPE. The study revealed that the strategies talking to others about their feelings, pondering the meaning of life alone, and being in nature for greater emotional affiliation, i.e., what we call secular existential coping methods, have been the most used meaning-making coping methods among Swedish mourning parents. While explaining the results, we considered the respondents’ cultural background and speculated about the potential influence of cultural teachings and elements in the selection of ways of coping with bereavement. Further, we compared the results obtained with those of the two other Swedish studies conducted among people coping with cancer and COVID-19 to further discuss the impact of culture on coping with illness, loss, grief, and crisis. The study supports the idea that culture plays an essential role in the choice of coping methods
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic changed the academic world in various ways, and most universities are still closed and continue operating via teleworking.
OBJECTIVE: This study is intended to investigate how university faculty/staff and students in Sweden have coped with the lockdown and working/studying from home during the pandemic.
METHODS: A survey was conducted among 277 women and men working and studying at different universities in Sweden.
RESULTS: The results indicate that most (61%) respondents were very or somewhat satisfied with the current work-from-home arrangement. Additionally, they indicate that, overall, almost 30% were working more than usual due to the pandemic and teleworking. The coping methods having the highest impact on overall job satisfaction were: "thinking about what I can do rather than what I can't do"; "being able to access medical resources and medical services if I need to seek help"; and "having trust in state or health authorities in my country."
CONCLUSIONS: The study reveals that Sweden can serve as a good example of how university faculty/staff and students can address the occupational challenges caused by a health pandemic and possible subsequent quarantines.
The coronavirus pandemic changed the academic world in many ways, and most academic institutions continue operating through teleworking. The aim of the present study was to determine how satisfied the university community (faculty/staff members and students) in Iran has been with remote work, and the ways in which they have dealt with the lockdown and working from home during the coronavirus pandemic. A survey was conducted among 196 academics from different universities in Iran. The results show that a majority of our participants (54%) are very or somewhat satisfied with the current work-from-home arrangement. The most frequently used methods for managing the challenges of teleworking were social contacts with colleagues or classmates at a distance, solidarity and offering kindness and support to the people around them. The least used coping method was trusting state or local health authorities in Iran. The coping strategies that have the highest impact on overall teleworking satisfaction are “Make myself busy with my working day because it makes me feel useful,”“I care for my mental and physical health,” and “Think about what I can do rather than what I can’t do.” The findings were discussed in detail, taking into consideration the theoretical approaches, as well as bringing forth more dynamic aspects of the culture.
This study explores the employment integration experiences of African immigrant women in the Swedish labour market. It discusses the factors which determined the integration of the African immigrant women into the Swedish labour market. The analysis of this study reveals the hindrances and facilitators that helped and challenged the African immigrant women in obtaining and how they integrated into the Swedish labour market. The result shows that self-motivation, public institutions, networking and connections, Language skills, racial discrimination, and time consumption are pertinent factors in the integration process of the African immigrant into the Swedish labour market. The result from this study were analyzed through empowerment framework approach and the application of inductive thematic analysis. A qualitative method was used with a semi-structured interview and an open ended question.
This qualitative study aims to reach further understanding of how social workers at the Swedish Public Employment Service perceive structural racism in the Swedish labor market for second-generation afro-swedes. The study is conducted in Sweden. The first part of the research focused on the main reasons second-generation Afro-Swedes risk social exclusion from the Swedish labor market, while the second part focused on discriminatory employment and the third part covered strategies to tackle structural racism and to improve social inclusion of second-generation Afro-Swedes. The Theoretical framework of social exclusion was used to analyse the study findings. Through semi-structured interviews, four social workers expressed their views of various factors of structural racism second-generation afro-swedes experience in the Swedish labor market. The result shows that second-generation Afro-Swedes experiencing structural racism in the Swedish labor market are likely to experience social exclusion in the Swedish community. It was shown that factors such as cultural incompetency, discriminatory employment and education play significant roles in structural racism and social exclusion.
The study explored the perceptions of social workers on loneliness among elderly people in residential care facilities in Gävle and Stockholm, Sweden, during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
An exploratory qualitative study method was used. Four social workers working with elderly people in residential care facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic participated in the study. Data were gathered for the study using an interview guide, and thematic analysis was used to analyze them. The study’s results were captured in two main themes which reflect the study’s research questions: social workers' perception of loneliness, and elderly people’s experiences of loneliness. According to social workers, the study concluded that loneliness is a multifaceted, subjective feeling that can trigger many coping methods and severely impact older people's health. In order to combat loneliness among older persons as a public health issue, social workers believe that a stronger involvement of the entire society is required.
The aim of this qualitative study was to explore child healthcare workers’ experiences of how parents can enhance their child’s psychosocial health and thereby prohibit future risks. Four nurses were interviewed, utilizing a semi-structured interview method. From this, five themes that embrace how parents can enhance their child’s psychosocial health took form. The empirical data was analyzed using developmental ecological theory and resilience as a conceptual framework. The findings showed the importance of parents being physically and emotionally available and having a positive interaction with their child. Further on, the importance of a network was lifted along with the significance of a child having an innocent childhood, a clear set of structure and boundaries and experiencing love. Thereby, the results on a grassroot level confirm the material “BBIC” that focuses on children’s needs and that’s well known and used in social work in Sweden.
The aim of this study was to investigate what thoughts and strategies parents of people with intellectual disabilities had concerning their children’s future, and if whether societal attitudes had an impact on these thoughts. A qualitative study was conducted through focus group discussions. The results were categorized through a thematic analysis, and the results were analysed using SOC and coping theories. The parents' fears were of societal changes and cutbacks to the welfare system. The participants were reluctant thinking about the future, a form of avoidant coping. They also used problem-focused coping by improvements to the child's current situation and through organized advocacy work. An important conclusion was that parents of people with intellectual disabilities felt a strong worry regarding their children's future when they themselves would be gone. This due to a lack of sense of coherence caused by perceived shortcomings in societal structures and negative attitudes from society.
The aim was to study how school professionals working with newly arrived immigrant children and youth experience how these students integrate into the school. The study is a qualitative research conducted in Sweden. The first part of the research focused on studying what factors affect the integration of newly arrived immigrant in schools while the second part focused on what strategy is used to ensure their integration. The findings of the study were thematically analyzed using the ecological systems theory as a framework of analysis. Through semi-structured interviews, four teachers and a counsellor expressed their perception on the integration of newly arrived immigrants’ student into schools. The result showed that the teachers are the core agent for integration within schools. It was shown that past experiences, family, social connections, educational background, school system, migration policies, culture are important factors that affect the integration process of these students.
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka socialsekreterares uppfattning om barnperspektivet och dess tillämpningar i handläggningen av ekonomiskt bistånd. Sex socialsekreterare vid en enhet för ekonomiskt bistånd i Sverige intervjuades. Vi använde oss av teorin om gräsrotsbyråkrati och barndomssociologi som teoretiska perspektiv för att analysera resultaten. En tematisk analys genomfördes för det insamlade materialet, vilket ledde till tre huvudrubriker för resultatavsnittet: ”Innebörden av barnperspektiv”, ”Barnperspektiv i handläggningsprocessen” och ”Barns och ungas delaktighet i handläggningsprocessen”. Dessa rubriker fungerar som strukturerade delar som ligger i linje med våra frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att barnperspektivet är ett mångfacetterat begrepp utan en exakt definition. Socialsekreterare var kunniga om barnets perspektiv, men deras tolkningar och tillämpningar av det varierade. Studiendrar slutsatsen att socialarbetares tillämpning av barnperspektiv är beroende av flera faktorer, till exempel erfarenhet och auktoritetnivå
The abuse of any form of illicit substance is referred as drug abuse. Excessive use of addictive (legal or illegal) substances is defined as utilizing them to the point that their effects become hazardous to the user's health. As the impact of drug abuse are disastrous to individuals and societies it is important to find what leads to it and how it can be prevented. This study focuses on the causes behind drug abuse and prevention strategies. The target group is female adolescents as most of the time target population in earlier research has been generalised to age or gender ignored women or age-specific women conditions. The interviews have been conducted with social workers in Maryland to investigate about the cause and prevention strategies of drug abuse regarding female adolescents. Maryland has been selected as it is one of the states with rate of drug abuse. The results have concluded causes as dysfunctional families, peer pressure, availability of drugs, and social media. Prevention strategies that have been concluded are family-based prevention strategies, community-based prevention, school-based prevention and cognitive behavioural therapy.
The aim of this study was to understand how young adults whom previously had been in out-of-home care retrospectively described their schooling. Five young adults between the ages of 21-26 were interviewed in a qualitative study. The theory KASAM helped identify the resources and factors that influenced the informants’ sense of coherence. The results showed that the informants were put in out-of-home care at different ages and had different experiences with their studies while in care. They received help from adults in regards to their studies, which had a positive impact on their schooling. Some informants had negative experiences from their schooling while in care caused by bullying, mental health issues and having to move multiple times. Because of our small sample we could not generalize the results. What the informants had in common was the fact that they had college-level education or were planning to receive it.
Denna studie undersöker hur socialarbetare på Socialtjänsten upplever att samverkan mellan enheterna; Barn- och ungdomsenheten samt Enheten för funktionshinder fungerar i praktiken samt hur de ser på eventuella utmaningar med att utreda barn med komplexa behov. Studien byggde på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och resultatet har analyserats utifrån organisationsteori och systemteori. Studien visar att enheterna kan betraktas som separata subsystem med olika institutionella logiker. Socialarbetarna beskriver att barn med komplex problematik behöver att de skilda subsystemen kan verka över de organisatoriska fälten och att samverkan är ett värdesatt verktyg. Det uttrycks en klar vilja till att samarbeta men det saknas tydliga direktiv för hur det ska säkerställas i praktiken. I syfte att förbättra samverkansarbetet beskriver socialarbetarna att det behövs fler och regelbundna utbildningstillfällen samt väldefinierade riktlinjer. Denna studie är visserligen inte generaliserbar till hela samhället men indikerar ändå att svårigheterna i samverkansarbetet är möjliga att motverka.