This article proposes to build a entrepreneurial learning environment for future business professionals, based on a better knowledge about requirements, a pedagogic ethos, and the economic necessity to build structural capital in higher education.
Professional academic education has to comply with many demands; a professional community that requires productive workers, a faculty that requires the students to get a certain level of understanding of one or several social science subjects, and social science methodology. This paper proposes to build such educations based on community based concept maps and a Vygotskian pedagogics.
The costs of running higher education typically has a cost structure with 60-65% salaries, 20-25% fixed costs, mainly buildings, and some 10% expenses. The high share of salaries and almost non-existing productivity increases the relative cost of higher education as the productivity in producing other product and services increases. Together with the increasing share of the population that need higher education the cost for society has radically increased. In an effort to economise with limited resources most western countries have radically differentiated the financing between technical and medical education on the one hand and social science on the other. The situation for social science education has thus become increasingly strained. Social science professors hope to influence the state to increase the founding, UNT (2013-10-26); HSV (2013-10-26).
Having taken initiative to, developed, implemented, and during five years managed two bachelor and one master (one- and two-year) programs in marketing, I also participated in the self-evaluation of these in the summer of 2011, which was part of the requirement of The Swedish National Agency for Higher Education, now The Swedish Higher Education Authority. The programs were based on a very clear ideas on subject ”progression”.The self-evaluation provoked a revision to improve the methodological progression of the programs. But it was evident that these changes were not enough.
From this background we face four problems that motivate the need for entrepreneurial learning in higher education:
Very complex requirements from stakeholders
Limited resource allocation, need to become more efficient
Low quality of present education
The need to build structural capital to become more efficient
To deal with these problems we assume some core ideas:
It is necessary to strengthen the integrity of the program.
To make higher education more efficient we have to build structural capital.
Based on a ’Vygotskian’ view on pedagogics, it is necessary:
The program must be broken down to courses and then to moments of proximal development that are gradually widening during the program.
To develop methods to identify for each individual student’s ’zone of proximal development’, se below, which is both possible for the student to span and which is challenging enough.
To develop the ’caring’ aspects of the teacher – student relation.
In the following text we develop our view concerning these problems, and explain why we have chosen these core ideas.
The first part deals with the complex requirements on higher education. Concept maps are introduced as a tool for understanding and handle complexity. This part explains why we focus on structural capital.
The second part deals with the pedagogic foundations of the project. In this part we explain the methods we want to use to strengthen the quality in higher education. ’The zone of proximal development’ is used to explain how entrepreneurial learning can be achieved in higher education, and why we focus on the relationship between student and teacher.
The last part deals with thoughts about how we can build and use structural capital in higher education to make education more efficient and give students more time with teachers.