More than a third of Swedens population is currently working odd hours. Nightshifts do increase risks of unhealth. The purpose of this intervention study was to describe and compare if the subjective and objective health of night working women was changed, before and after the introduction of a compendium with health and excercise advise, indicated by two health examinations. The sample consisted of women in the ages of 20 to 25 years. All of the women were regularly working nightshifts at a resturant during the weekends and had problems with eating and excercising. The result in the first health examination indicated that none of the women was in good shape nor did they have a healthy diet, which also was confirmed by the women. After the intervention the results indicated that the women had better routine regarding their diet and excercise, the women also decreased their stress and symptoms related to stress. They also perceived their health as better. Wilcoxon test showed significant differences, which confirmed their perceptions.